I've never been one to hold a grudge. If the other person(s) are willing to let it go and move on, so will I. I have had to apologize when wrong and been forgiven and sometimes not. Even if there is no formal apology coming from someone but they act friendly or they show that they aren't going to hold a grudge then I let it go. That doesn't mean that I trust them as much as before. I may not confide certain things to them or be as close, but I will not be one to snub(or shun) anyone. If they choose to not have dealings with me, then it's their loss, not mine. Life's too short to worry about every little something or someone who might not like me.
My answer is just in general that can be applied to any disagreement. I am not officially out so I don't expect that exact scenerio to take place anytime soon. But I hope that I would still act according to how I answered above.