The reason I ask is because I realise I couldn't go on reading Watchtower material. I have discovered it did something to my mind no other literature has done to me before. It had turned me in to a person without a heart, or soul, and made me in humane and distant from other humans who didn't share the W.T world view.
I now feel ashamed of my childish behaviour, and I have learnt :-
A) I must search reading material that produces softer feelings and a more positive world view,
But perhaps most importantly:-
B) I have learnt, reading means CRITICAL THINKING, it requires discipline, and feelings and thoughts that are my own and not other people's.
Anyway I would love to hear your thoughts on;-
A) What W.T printed material did for you?
B) If / why you still read it? ( personally I couldn't bring myself to read poster Blondies review on the latest W.T)
The Rebel.