pics of my wedding and cute baby
by Witch Child 13 Replies latest jw friends
Wonderful dress! (especially the sleeves; they're lovely)
Your baby is adorable...
Witch Child
Thanks on both counts. The dress was made by my super terrific friend Ally. She is kinda behind me in the group pic, my niece is behind me, Ally is behind my niece.
lovely pics and baby. I noticed my internet explorer trid to get me to download a japenenese text displayer. Why would it do that?I chose not to , so i saw no text.
Nice kids ya got there WC......Looks like your wedding was a great time!
District Overbeer
Witch Child
Hmmm... could be Vampire has some Kenshin link up... I don't know....
Awesome pics WC.
Look after that little one he looks like he's gonna be a handful when he gets older hehehe.
I have a 2 1/2 yr terror who was so cute at that age.... now her younger sister has taken the limelight.
They are indeed a blessing despite all the stress and worries they put upon us, how can you resist such a cutie ??
Thanks for the pics and congrats on your wedding.
Cute little-un !
You were very fast ,
I thought you were supposed to be married before you had a baby,or did you conjure the baby up to give you a head start seeing that youare a witch,werby nothing is impossible ?????
funny though my sister must have drank from the same bottle as she had three babys at her wedding ??
congratulations ,nice kid allso, continue and prosper,
wanna sell the dress
Beautiful Just Beautiful
Baby is such a cutie pie!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dress is so lovely!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!