Did being a JW stifle your ambition? Did not needing to plan for the future affect your career choices and your consequent wealth?
I'm not simply talking about following the advice to not take up an education which has been discused many times, but I'm going further to say that those brought up in "the truth" had their whole philosophy moulded and shaped in a way which never searched for more or wanted more; a non-materialistic outlook.
Now some may still say materialism is evil, or that being brought up this way leads to a more content life.
The cynics, like myself, will say that keeping people 'happy but poor' is the genius of the rich.
I've had some success after leaving the org, after taking up education and so on, but it has taken time. I was completely numb in spirit when it came to trying to make a future or even wanting to.
I still say to anybody that there is a big difference between being brought up in the truth, at least from a young age, and those who shaped their lives first.
also I would just like to add to our US readers that we still have a great gap in this country between rich and poor with 85% of the wealth in 15% of the population.