If you r a faithful JW and u have gay feelings, u r not alone and u can get help and support from faithful JWs who r struggling like u. Please email me at [email protected]
by jw_bhf 19 Replies latest social relationships
I would love to add my site aswell if you need help, I would love you to join
I would be *VERY LEERY* of giving out personal sexual orientation information to a newbie who uses an anonymous email account.
But that's just me.
Sniff Sniff Class
Edited by - LDH on 18 January 2003 23:26:35
Hey Lisa,good call...OUTLAW
Sorry, jw, what exactly are you getting at here? A support group in what sense - a dating service? Or helping brothers overcome "wrong sexual desires"?
Either way.......very suspect.
Simon warns yet once again:
I would caution anyone against giving out personal information to other people or getting involved or intimate with people online that they do not really know.
People can, will and so use this site to make new friends and for the vast majority of the time, everything is fine with no problems. However, just as some of the people who visit this site can be vulnerable so some may be looking for vulnerable people to take advantage of and I will not tollerate anyone trying to do this.
Most people like to use the chatroom to flirt a little occassionally but you should be careful about letting things go too far.
The new forum is much more secure and protects personal information while still allowing them to get in touch if they want. I will do everything I can to help prevent abuses, such as in chat, and the new system includes reminders to this effect however everyone ultimately has responsibility themselves over what they do and I cannot intervene with any personal relationships that people have chosen to engage in other than where it impacts with the forum.
This was from a site designed to protect children from dangers online but it's good advice for all of us:
Chat rooms can be a safe place to have a laugh if you just remember a few important things. All you really need to do is keep your wits about you and trust your judgement. Take a look at the five key points below.
1. People on the Internet may not be who they say they are.
2. Whatever you do, don't give out contact info, like your phone number and address.
3. Be careful what you say about your friends and their personal info. They've told you as a friend, so you shouldn't pass anything on to people they don't know.
4. If you're posting a profile, don't include any info which could help to identify you offline - again that means your personal email address, mobile phone number, home, school or work address and also pictures of yourself.
5. You should never really meet up with someone you chatted to online - even if you think the person is OK. Paedophiles online are seriously clever and will often spend months gaining your trust before asking to meet you.
Big Tex
I'm not gay, but I would love to look like this:
Since your gay.....I have a goofy question.
Hows come all the Gay men I see on TV seem so positive, energetic, and happy? Is that why they call them Gay? What the hell gives these guys all their enthusiasm and pep? This isn't a trick or sarcastic question.........really!
Thanks Outlaw. How you doin?
I'm hoping nobody got sucked in (pun intended).
I hope you werent all having a go at me, sorry if i was taken the wrong way there. I am assuming you are talking about the comment above mine. My group is purely for people to chat and get support and thats it. No dating goes on and I am pretty open (no pun intended) about who I am and about my life.
All the very best to all of you and take a look at my site if you wish to.