From one newbie to another a big welcome. Enjoy the board., I sure am enjoying it.
Love to hear your story.
by Warrigal 30 Replies latest jw friends
From one newbie to another a big welcome. Enjoy the board., I sure am enjoying it.
Love to hear your story.
Welcome, it's nice to have a fellow senior citizen on board. Feel free to express yourself. Believe me 95% of the people here are very supportive. Bug
Good morning everyone and many hearftfelt thanks for your warm welcomes. (I'm actually using this computer thing and my heart is in my throat for fear that I will mess up and everything disappears. I have my trusty bottle of 'White Out' handy though it messes up the screen something terrible...just a joke)
My user name reflects the fact that I'm fascinated with things Australian and would love to visit that beautiful land some day.
I came into the truth as a child in the 1950s and attended a small congregation in the western US. There weren't enough men to fill the positions of responsibility so my mother would don a head scarf and fill the role of 'magazine servant'. She took her position seriously and as her child I had to toe the line or suffer severe physical consequences. I was once taken from the KH with a concussion to the local hospital because she smacked me so hard in the ladies room that my head hit the sink on the way down. Lights out!
When I became a teen I told her that I wanted nothing more to do with the Witnesses and never attended another meeting. In the late 80s I was overcome with stupidity and began to reinvestigate the teachings of the JWs as it was the only religion I knew. I began studying with an elderly couple who convinced me that this was indeed the truth and swept along on the emotional tide of doing what was right in Jehovah's sight; I was baptized.
Things gradually began to fall apart and I discovered how cold and unloving the congregation was. The clincher was when my husband fell ill and had to be hospitalized for heart surgery and I called a loving elder as I have no family here. He was too busy to come to the hospital or send anyone to sit with me in the waiting room so I endured that all alone with only my prayers to God for my husband's well being. He did very well and is now completely recovered.
To make a long story short....I prayed diligently to God to show me his organization here on earth, fully expecting that I'd read something from the WTS to show me the way. Instead I found a copy of Crises of Conscience at the local bookstore, bought it and read it through. From then on I no longer looked to the WTS for my spiritual food. The icing on the cake was the Dateline expose of the pedophile issue. I look forward to the visit from the elders asking me if I still consider myself one of them.....they're gonna get it both barrels!
Thanks all you kind people for listening
welcome warrigal!!!!!
Thank you for sharing your story with us.
I am glad your hubby is ok now, and sorry the cong was so unloving. There are alot of people here that can relate to what you are saying. I know I can.
Looking forward to bumping into you on the board.
Howdy Warrigal! Put your feet up and stay awhile. When you say "pictures" are you referring to the ID pictures or the little animations () we all sometimes put in our messages?
Actually it sounds like God did answer your prayers. You found out the truth about "the truth". There's nothing like feeling the cold side of that "loving" organization to help you see what needs to be done. I'm glad your husband is okay.
Take care,
Welcome to the forum, Warrigal! Hey, Shutterbug, what's that crack about "senior citizen"???? I was born in '55, and I am NOT old. Though gravity has taken over in a few places I'd rather not mention . . . . Anyway, Warrigal, you will enjoy the forum and hear the viewpoints of people old and young, JWs for years or just close to someone who is/was. It's a very healing place. Dateline was one of the things that did it for me too.
Lots of love,
Warrigal I often wonder if the Watchtower does research on why people leave and then try to respond to common concerns. When I left the Methodist Church I got a call and explained to the person (who listened with kindness and empathy) as to my concerns. If they do not try to understand why people leave they can never deal with the concerns and, well, groups like this will become a growth industry.
Edited by - Jerry Bergman on 20 January 2003 10:32:11
Hello Warrigal,
I'm a 'senior', too - grew up in the JW's in the 50's.
My husband and I left in the mid-60s, and I have never been sorry, so glad we didn't raise our children in the witness-ruled religion.
Due to a stroke I had a few months ago, I am relearning to use a computer. You will do fine, just give it a bit of time. I'm glad your husband regained his health, but sorry the elders and other JW's didn't offer you support..they have lost members for that very reason. So many of them are unable to show compassion when one they deem 'unworthy' needs just a helping hand and some 'spiritual support. You will make new friends here though, and find many new friends, as I have.
Glad you decided to join and post, looking forward to hearing more from you. Feel free to e-mail me if you like.
So I found you eh!? I posted on some other link saying Hi- but I can say it again... I am the senior on the board that brummie mentioned. Yes they are So good to me. Even the ones that dont agree with me - let me off the hook... Isnt it awful when we look back ( head on the sink deal) to waht goes on in the Kingdom Hell.Just one thing I would like to say- I never refer to "IT" as the truth---In MY opinion, it is the "lie" welcome great to have you aboard.....