I was around then. I didn't know anyone who didn't think the end would come in 1975 or shortly thereafter. In hindsight, I can see how the publications were very careful in what they said, they knew not to make very specific statements that could later be used to prove they had been wrong, but they very obviously wanted people to believe Armageddon was imminent. At the local level, they were more direct in what was said from the platform and there were enough indirect references in various publications that left no doubt they expected the end in 1975 or very shortly thereafter.
This is organization that is all about control, a strict hirarchy that believes they represent God, nothing is said that they don't want said. They had to have been aware of what everyone believed, so you have to wonder, if they actually didn't think armageddon was going to happen in 1975, why didn't they correct the record?