Interesting Pedephile story

by daveyJones 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • daveyJones

    Here in Columbia a pedophile was recently released from prison on parole. Part of his parole condition was that he could not possess child porn of which he had tons when he was originally arrested.

    On one visit by the PO the outer cover of a kiddie porn mag was found. The cover wasn't explicit, but it was known for what it was. No other porn was found, just the cover. The guy was rearrested and sent back to prison for parole violation. Justified or not? The defense said no as the cover didn't actually constitute pornography. The Prosecutor and PO say yes, possession of even the cover showed that he was violating his parole. What say you (I'm with the PO and prosecutor on this one.)

    Yeru writing as Sean.

    Edited by - daveyJones on 17 January 2003 9:24:5

  • cruzanheart

    Yes, he violated his parole in my opinion. Pornographic magazines are not exactly easy to obtain so it took effort on his part to obtain it, which intentionally violated his parole.


  • Yerusalyim

    I really thought this thread would have generated more interest, silly me.

  • avishai

    Damn straight they should have violated him. Sex offenders in the us, even the non pedophile ones are'nt alllowed to even own cameras or toys. Cameras because of child porn & toys cuz' they're used as bait.

    I may be biased however, because I think pedophiles should never be released. They should be shot & killed.

  • Sara Annie
    Sara Annie

    Ya know, I have found that it's very difficult to balance the 'staunch civil rights advocate' with the 'mom' in me. I want to say that we had better be pretty clear as to the definition of what consititutes pornography, and make the analogy that an empty beer can in the trunk of a car is not conclusive proof against the sobriety of the driver. Our justice system bears the burden of setting clear, concise, and defined parameters for what is considered 'illegal' material, and if we allow those parameters to bend to accomodate our distaste for the suspect posessing them, we're all in big trouble. I want to say that.

    But mostly I'm thinking "Get that pervert off the street and back behind bars where he belongs."

    Politically Correct? No. Honest? Yes.

    (As a side note, the statement that in the US sex offenders aren't allowed to own cameras or toys smacks of misinformation to me)

    Edited by - Sara Annie on 17 January 2003 17:50:50

  • onacruse

    Edited by - onacruse on 17 January 2003 18:13:5

  • Yerusalyim

    Well, as this isn't getting the response I expected from the people I wanted, here's what this post is really about...

    The "pedophile" is Saddam Hussein. The "kiddie porn" are the proscribed weapons. The "cover" to the kiddie porn are the warheads recently found.

    I was hoping some of our anti-war crowd would have weighed in so I could have smacked em right between the eyes with the inconsistency of their stand.

    Sorry if anyone is offended by this ploy. The little Kurdish kids Saddam gassed are every bit as precious as the kids molested by pedophiles. If they shouldn't have kiddie porn, Saddam shouldn't have WMD.

  • Trauma_Hound
    Sorry if anyone is offended by this ploy. The little Kurdish kids Saddam gassed are every bit as precious as the kids molested by pedophiles. If they shouldn't have kiddie porn, Saddam shouldn't have WMD.

    That's pretty hypocritical, considering we left all our spent uranium in the hulks of all those iraqi tanks, and innocent little iraqi kids are getting sick from that. Your talking apples and oranges, two completely different subjects.

  • Yerusalyim
    That's pretty hypocritical, considering we left all our spent uranium in the hulks of all those iraqi tanks, and innocent little iraqi kids are getting sick from that. Your talking apples and oranges, two completely different subjects.

    Really, where's the solid INDEPENDENT data to back that up. Most of those tanks were out in the middle of NO WHERE.

    It's also pretty hypocritical of Saddam to talk about how the UN imposed sanctions are starving his people while he's building palaces and trying to rebuild his army.

  • Trauma_Hound

    You really showed us, how much of a wanker you really are, by trying to bring up a subject, then trying to do a switch, go screw yourself, you are now ignored, you piece of dung goo. Why anyone in they're right mind, would come to you for help, is beyond me. Your another one of these "men of god" that don't deserve the responsibility of actually helping people.

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