Back in Houston

by gilwarrior 13 Replies latest jw experiences

  • gilwarrior

    WARNING: This post may contain some venting. The last time I wrote about myself, half of the people who responded wanted my head on a stick. So, if you didnt like my last post or if dont want read about someone elses problems, LEAVE IMMEDIATELY! If you read this and it pisses you off, you have anyone but yourself to blame.

    OK, last Saturday I left Vegas. After four months I decided to call it quits. I couldnt find a job and I just missed my friends and family. Since coming back to Houston, I have been busy looking for a job. I went back to my old school and talked to the woman who handles job placement. I gave her my resume. She did tell me that she would send my resume out to several companies, but it could take several weeks to get a job. I also went back to visit my former trainer (in working out). She told me that at work they need several people with backgrounds in accounting since it is tax season. So I'll hand her my resume and hopefully something will turn out. I did go to a cab company and completed an application. Tomorrow I will return the application and then go take a physical and drug test. I then have four days of training to do before I get behind a cab. Hopefully, driving cabs in Houston will be better then driving cabs in Vegas.

    I have feeling down. I was looking in the Yellow pages and I saw school for truck driving and I thought about doing that. Then I saw school for bartending and I thought about doing that too. My problem is that I dont know what I want. I wish I had a passion for something. Im sick of jumping around. One day I want one thing then the next day I want another. I want to move to Las Vegas and then another day I want to come back. This is driving me nuts. I want to do one thing and stick with that.

    This is going to be tough, but I know that if this doesnt workout then I can get another job. My Dad wont let me work in the bakery, so that is out. I guess it is for the best. I still have to go back to Vegas to pick up the rest of things at my old apartment. That stinks. So this ends my Vegas experiment. It had its ups and down, but now it is over.

  • MegaDude

    Ask yourself....

    What are you good at?

    What are you interested in?

    Then go for it with all your might and power and don't ever quit. Like myself, you may be interested in many, many things. But find a profession that will support you and once you have a stable financial situation, your other interests will make themselves known and you can pursue them if you wish.

  • cruzanheart

    MegaDude is right, gil. Don't beat yourself up over leaving Las Vegas - it was an experiment, you learned from it, so move on with the knowledge you earned. Remember, each job is just that: a job, a means to an end (eating and having a roof over your head), and it gives you the opportunity to look around and see what it is you REALLY want to do. It sounds like you have many talents. I think you'll be fine.

    And, now that you're back in Texas, why not make plans to come to our Apostafest for Little Toe in March? It will be great fun!


  • Mulan

    There is a book called "What Color is Your Parachute?" or it might be "What Color is My Parachute?" It helps you identify the right job for yourself.

    Glad you are back home.

  • Texas Apostate
    Texas Apostate

    From one Houstonian to another, maybe I can give you some encouragement. Of coarse like most of us on the forum I didn't plan for college after high school. No plan for the future. All I had was my girlfriend (wordly ) at the time, and a job selling pagers at her father's friends shop. I thought I had it made. My own apartment, new truck, and even my own cell phone (This was '93 people). Life was pretty good. I was even Df'd around this time. I didn't care though. Then two years later everything falls apart. I got fired (I was skimming some money from the profits). Oh well, I at least have my girl. Well, of coarse her dad found out about what I was doing, and pretty much after that my girlfriend dumped me, and to top it off, it was for somebody I thought was a friend. Damn!. Even to this day, If I ever see that sorry son of a b@#ch, I am going to tear his little short...err ah, back to the story. I was a wreck. Oh about 2 months after all this happened, I loose my apartment. Life was sucking. I had to beg my parents to shack me up for a while. I started taking stupid jobs. I peddled stupid toys (pyramid scam) on the street. Which by the way I was pretty good at with my witness background . Then I took some jobs at equipment rental places. One day I finally got tired of my life, and said enough is enough. I bit the bullet, asked my dad to co-sign for me to go to tech school. I took drafting classes in high school, and had always been pretty artistic. Well, asking my dad for the co-sign was not easy. He was still a dub at the time. He finally caved in, signed the loans, and I graduated from tech school in May '96. 7 years later I am still in my profession.

    My advise, sit down with yourself. Ask yourself what your talents, and interest are. Ask yourself, what do you want out of life? Write down your thoughts and your goals. Make sacrifices. Educate yourself. It is all worth it in the end. Remember that this is your life. You make what ever you want out of it. It could be your paradise, or your hell.

    Just my 2,


    P.S. Welcome back to Houston. Check the meet-up for H-town. There are about 20 registered.

  • scootergirl
    scootergirl are making some changes and that is great! I have always said (and sure people are getting sick of hearing it from me) "nothing changes if nothing changes"!

    Best of luck to you!

  • eyegirl

    thank you again Tony Robbins heehee

  • scootergirl

    Okay, know what this means? MORE MOTIVATIONAL TALK FOR YOU! LOL.......

  • LyinEyes

    Mega is giving good advice. Have you thought of going to school for some of these things you might like to do,,,,,, so you can get better money down the road? The idea of bartending might be a good one, it would free up your days for studying for school or another trade,,,,,and I hear alot of bartenders say they make good money,,,,,,some even work just 3 nites a week.

  • Xena

    Life is a learning experence least you got yourself out there and tried something just keep moving forward and learning...

    now start making plans to come to the apostatefest in March!!!!!

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