Well, I gave my hope to be future wife crisis of conscience and in search of christian freedom yesterday. I told her to take her time and read them with an open mind and to trust her heart. She told me before that if she had any doubts she would leave the WT. After reading both books and reading every post on this subject I can't see her staying in. Right now she's out doing the door-to-door thing which makes me sick to my stomach. I guess all I can do now is sit back and wait. I'm hoping she'll come around after she reads them, but I don't really know what to expect.
she's reading "C OF C"
by mackey 14 Replies latest jw friends
At least she's willing to read them. I wish the best for both of you :)
I just ordered COC last night. I already can't wait for it to come in. I've heard so much about it, and I'm dying to read it.
Wow, mackey, good luck! I hope she keeps an open mind while reading!
The book is a real eye opener. If I gave my copy of COC to my ex, it would end up in a fire before long.
Had a lovely conversation with her last night. She mentioned a friend (DUB) is taking a philosophy class at college and is worried about him because it will put doubts into his head. She thinks its wrong to question and examine your belifs, unless you have something to replace it. I laughed out loud when she said this. If someone said it was better for me to be ignorant and happy than to know the filth you are in I would be INSULTED. I told her thats what she is doing when she goes preaching, taking peoples beliefs away, but she countered with she is replacing them with other things, I (and philosophers) just take away and replace with nothing. I told her that I help people examine their faiths, take a different look, and let THEM decide what to believe. She said if I ever tried to have her question her faith, she would never talk to me again. She said I had her doubting when I first left, but now she is better. LOL
Well, we had to change the subject because I didn't want to get into a big ole argument. I'm glad things are going better for you.
Best Wishes to you Mackey.
C of C is the smelling salts to reality.
Welcome to the board.
" Religion is a Snare and a Trap " Judge Rutherford
I am so happy for her and you!!
Still learning The Truth about The Troof does not mean she can physically just walk out. This is a cult. We dont always like saying it here but, we were brainwashed.
Get her on this forum for some support. This way she has others to talk to who have been through all she is and will be experiencing!
She may need group counseling if you can find somewhere youre at.
Check out these threads to give you an idea of what help she needs.
All these threads are just a start You both will need all the help you can get.
You both will be in our prayers.
And ,"May The Force Be With You"
Thanks for the threads U R . On a somewhat humorous sidenote. About ten years ago my brother's apartment was broken into by jw's a day after showing up at his door step with literature.They took everything but the kitchen sink. Great crowd my ass.
Wow, truthseeker that must have been quite a chat with your ex.
mackey, it will be interesting to see what reaction your soon-to-be might have. Keep us posted if you can.
Way to go Mackey..................I'm in the middle of a mission myself albeit with a family member, keep us posted, your doing just cool
J gull
Hey mackey,
I showed my wife C of C too, and guess what.... it worked!!!
Some advice.......I suggest you just give her C of C for now though. Ray's second book " In search of Christain Freedom" offers alternatives to the JW beliefs. You wife has been trained to immediatly reject anything other than JW beliefs. My wife almost gave up reading both of the books because she was uncomfortable with Rays explanations in his second book (in Search of...). I took the second one back to the library though, and she ended up reading C of C , cover to cover in about 2 weeks! 2 months later we were out. Take it slow. Let her form her own conclusions.