My reply (like AFRIKANMAN)
was from the CEO of the ARC - Philip Reed.
I included quotes
from WTs re: 29 But if a bull
was formerly in the habit of goring and warning was served on its owner but he would not
keep it under guard, and it did put a man or a woman to death, the bull is to be stoned and also its owner is to be put to death.
WT 06 3/1 Consider
the principle discussed at Deuteronomy 22:8. The Israelite
who constructed a new home was required to build a parapet
around the flat roof, which was often used to entertain
hy? “That you may
not place bloodguilt upon your house because someone falling might fall
from it.” In a similar way, what you do—without
imposing unreasonable restrictions—to protect
your guests at a social
gathering should be with
their physical and spiritual interests at heart.
If someone fell because this safety law had not
been observed, God held the owner responsible.No doubt, application of the loving principle embodied in
this law would minimize accidents at the workplace or even in recreation.
Included was the
quote from Matt 18:4-6 4 Therefore, whoever
will humble himself like this young
child is
the one that is the greatest in
the kingdom of the heavens; 5 and whoever receives one such young
child on the basis of my name receives me [also]. 6 But
whoever stumbles one of these little ones who
put faith in me, it is more beneficial for
him to have hung around his neck a millstone such
as is turned by an ass and to be sunk in the wide, open sea.
Jesus wants his rulers in the kingdom to be humble, they will be
the greatest…
· Humble
means obeying the law, reporting pedophiles, changing your “system”
· Jesus
says IF YOU STUMBLE them, put a millsone around their neck, toss to sea
I also mentioned that the WT could
tell it's people "report to the police" and nothing would prevent them from carrying on with their treasured
"inside" trials that "require" two witnesses.