Just returned from South America

by StarTrekAngel 10 Replies latest jw experiences

  • StarTrekAngel

    I just came back from visiting family in South America (will keep the name of the country out for now) and I was shocked by the amount of JWs I saw on the street. Keep in mind that most countries in SA have been under military rule until the early 80s, with the general fear and mindset sticking around until the late 90s, even when the military was gone and democracy re established. JW were not around when I lived there. The last time I visited in 2011, there were few congregations and there was none but a single JW in my town. There seems to have been tremendous growth since then because now they seem to be everywhere. Like everything that is new, it has a lot of synergy.  There was not one day we went downtown where we did not see a JW on the street, no matter what time of the day. No matter which part of the country we went to, the same happened.

    There has to be a whole lot of people leaving the org in order for such growth to be diminished worldwide.

  • sir82

    3rd world countries (no offense if you are referring to your country of origin) are still attracting JW converts.

    It's an appealing message - "Soon your miserable poverty-stricken life will be transformed, and you can live in the mansion on the hill while watching vultures pick at the bones of those who oppressed you".

    For many of such folks, everything else has failed, so why not throw your hat into the ring of "a better life - SOON!!!"

  • insidetheKH

    @sir82 countries in Latin and South America are not third world countries. Ever been there?, cause i have


    I have visited a number of third world countries as well

  • Village Idiot
    Village Idiot
    All sorts of Christian Fundamentalist faiths are exploding in South America. Religion thrives in misery.
  • _Morpheus
    There may aso be an 'optical illusion' of sorts... Even in my area, which has lomg been packed with dubbies, i "see" them more now than ever, but its largely due to the public cart witnessing push, not an actual increase in dubbies.  They scout out busy areas to post up in and therefore catch your attention...  Just a possible explanitation
  • StarTrekAngel

    No offense. I do agree do that some are third world countries. As much as media outlets would portrait them otherwise, the truth on the streets is different. It is my country of origin. Sorry I do not mention it by name, but it would be easy to pick me out of the crowd if I reveal it.

    The main intention of my post was to put in perspective the localized growth in SA with their global trend, which points to a loss or a small gain at best.

  • millie210

    I think you are right Star Trek Angel.

    There really must be a huge ledge of drop off in the US for the stats to still show growth. 

    Two things that encourage me:

    1) The Spanish speaking world (I realize I am lumping a lot of cultures together here) was not even deemed worthy of the new Bible in their language. How long before that sinks in to them?

    2) the same people I referred to above have a whole different mindset as far as I can see. They "do" the truth but are also very attached to their families and traditional ways of living. 

    The "new Org" with their hard nosed approach to disfellowshipping is going to clash with that eventually.

  • Mandrake

    Mmm.. I can tell from here, Chile, that that literature "carts" or "stands" are everywhere downtown... So, I went to a new year party on December 31 night, my GF and I went out of the satanic-disco at 10AM on Jan 1st, and guess what... There were JW "preaching" with the stands in the downtown, the streets were empty!!! But they were giving testimony! I think it's all about getting more visible, at least here I can't say we have a big time growth...


    I live in the UK and JWs are popping up all over the place with their street displays, usually in big towns. This is a clever way to promote their organization. Door knocking only contacts one person at a time and that person may not be interested.
    In the street hundreds walk by and the interested ones stop. They have tried to waylay me but as I have modeled myself on the 'great serpent' I'm a very slippery creature. 
  • OrphanCrow
    i "see" them more now than ever, but its largely due to the public cart witnessing push, not an actual increase in dubbies.  They scout out busy areas to post up in and therefore catch your attention...  Just a possible explanitation


    I live in the UK and JWs are popping up all over the place with their street displays, usually in big towns. This is a clever way to promote their organization. Door knocking only contacts one person at a time and that person may not be interested.

    The actual conversion rate versus hours invested in door-to-door ministry is pathetically small. The cart witnessing is a corporate shift that makes use of resources. It doesn't matter about converts so much - it is all about increased visibility. It goes along with the rebranding. And the upcoming sell-off of Kingdom Halls that aren't in visible locations.

    I have a friend that just returned from Mexico City. She said that the JW cart witnessing in public areas is very prevalent - "...they are crawling all over the place!"

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