OK i'm waiting for the p.o. for our study .. at exactly NOON the phone rings,, it's the p.o. he said he got the wrong address i said no problem you are 2 doors down i,ll come out and get you.... oh no i don't want to talk to you only your brother... ok i'll leave the house for an hour. oh it's to late i'm already in the fs.. but we cooked lunch for you and took off a day from work... bring over any jw you want we got plenty of food, and cake and coffee.... oh no i know your brother is only going to looks for mistakes of the wt you guys are opposers.... i said ok howard you are going to miss out on a nice meal and more time on your SLIP. howard tried to set up another meeting, i said don't waste any more of our time. if you had the truth nothing we could say can take away from the TRUTH!!!!! HE started babbling about something.... i said howard we talked on the phone a number of times this week... now you know i got the wt BUSTED.... so when you can back up that jesus choose the wt in 1919 from old wt's till that time, you and 6 million jw's world wide are BARING FALSE WITNESS IN THE name OF JEHOVAH, AND YOU KNOW THE BIBLE SAYS THAT A FALSE WITNESS IS TO BE THROWN IN THE LAKE OF FIRE... so have a nice day in 7 degree weather baring false witness for the wt, when you are ready to go over the facts about the wt you got my #....john
p.o. no show at high NOON !!!
by johnny cip 14 Replies latest jw friends
Guess we could make bets on rather or not he will show up. I'm betting he won't
Why didn't someone take my bet. Guess I just wasn't meant to be rich. Bug
I would imagine that at least you put some doubt in his mind. In that case, mission accomplished.
LOL Johnny cip!
Your style cracks me up.
It has been interesting to get to know you through your little saga with the PO.
Thing you have to remember that some were born into being a JW and others were brainwashed.
The ones who were brainwashed were LOVE bombed and information saw SLOWLY inoculated into the mind of the convert.
No matter if a person is a convert to being a JW or born into being a JW they need the same KIND, SLOW method of learning.
I am sorry to say but, you have the tact of a Mack Truck driving down a lovely garden path.
Here you have a wonderful opportunity to share The Truth about The Troof with a PO and possibly even a CO no less and you treat these people who are used to being respected with great disregard.
I know you care less of their positions and I feel the same BUT they do care and enjoy the perks of the offices they hold.
If you can get another audience with the man take it. It is not just HIM you are saving it is ANYONE else who sees him leave. Anyone else who LISTENS to him about why he is leaving.
This is not a Hockey Game where all the spectators High Five when a players teeth get knocked out. This is peoples REAL lives. This is supposed to be about FREEING people from the SLAVERY of a Publishing Company.
The woman who studied with me was very patent. Often I wasnt even home for the SCEDUALED Bible study. I once moved and didnt tell her. I just wasnt there anymore. She would continue to call on my parents and tell them to say Hi to me. It was slow, Patent, and drawn out over a few years before I actually sat down every week and listened. I had always said I would not have known the seriousness or The Urgency of The Truth without this woman.
This is the kind of person someone as deep in as a PO or CO need.
I know from your past remarks you say Who Cares of Your Style but, I say it is not your Presentation Style that is important here. What is important is the SAVING of LIVES.
This isnt fantasy here this is reality.Something I hope you think about when you next try to HELP another JW out.
I have enjoyed you posts though.
You are very amusing.
Keep up the good work in informing your neighbors and friends.
Ciao 4 now,
John, you just kill me. The notion that 'if he had the Truth, nothing would stand in the way' must be rattling through his head right now.
ROFLMAO!! Man, did we see this one coming or not!! Well, at least you gave him food for thought and I'll bet his mind is going in a thousand different directions right now. And as you pointed out, if they actually had "the Truth", then they should be able to back up EVERYTHING they teach from the bible and the bible alone. He knows damn well that he can't so he doesn't want to meet with you. What a guy!
One of the MS's in my Hall didn't really know much about the pedophile problem within the Organization so I filled him in. He was shocked and a bit sceptical. But, he did see something Friday morning on CNN about 4 sisters who are suing the Organization and he watched part of it. Made him VERY uneasy to say the least. I told him that if he asks Jeff or Bob or Bill (our elders) about it, that they'll tell him that it's just "apostates" and "Satan" trying to destroy the Organization. Sure enough, in Service this morning that is the exact scenario that played out. So I know I got him thinkin'!!
johnny cip
raindrops; i am quite nice and try to act in a professional manner.... i am well known in the jw's community in my town .. when they see me they run, it's not because i'm nasty( but i can be). it's i go around and stop jw's in the fs etc... and i ask questions , they are not PROGRAMMED TO ANSWER... i bet they are sorry they ever got my father to join 35 yrs ago... as my brother knows all the menbers in co-op city well and beats their brains at every chance... i do the same all the time as i search out the jw's while i drive my truck ,, sorry it's only a chevy lol .. i feel i help a lot of jw's with what ever false wt teaching i pose.. it just got a little hot in my new area, and i have to take on the p.o. right at the kh.etc. trust me i got him thinking ... to think i let the jw's in the fs off this morning because i thought the p.o. was coming over... i will continue to work the jw's in my area, and let them know the p.o. can't handle the facts.... if you think i'm lying bring him over to my house with you and we will see.... that will be my new witness .... john
i will continue to work the jw's in my area
That is the funniest thing I have heard in a while!!! Talk about turning the tables around!!!!!!!!!!
Great work Johnny. I spoke with you in NYC and you aren't nasty, just excited and very "to the point", so it is a bit much for the JW's who are used to people just shutting the door and taking the mags to be nice and make them go away. Little do they know right?
Anyways, I just had to point out that one statement you made, I thought is was golden, you work them instead of the other way around and it was put in JW lingo. I loved it!!!!!!!!
Love ya,
Johnny cip or should I say Johnny Angel
Patron Saint Of The Bronx, Protector of all would be victims sought out for induction by a blood sucking 2 faced publishing company and cult! I throw flowers at your feet
oh Sainted one and desire to place an Icon of you on the dash board of my chevy right under the dice hanging from my review mirror.
I very much wish there had been someone like you when I was studying years ago. Someone who would go through the neighborhood questioning Jehovahs Witnesses at every turn.
You are right there are questions they are not programmed to answer but that is what the new school is about. The thing is the new school is really set up so the current JW can answer questions for themselves. No outsider would accept the research answers they dig up. Only the Brainwashed JW will be satisfied or appeased by what they find.
You said, i bet they are sorry they ever got my father to join 35 yrs ago , Im sure they are friend! Although I am sorry your father was a JW for so long I am glad you have all the knowledge you do. There are so many people you will help and probably already have saved. 15 years of my life was wasted in the cult and as I said I wish someone like you had been around to set me straight.
I very much like your new campaign for your ministry, if you think i'm lying bring him over to my house with you and we will see.... that will be my new witness Maybe you should have some tracts printed.
This one's for you Oh Patron Saint Of The Bronx
Keep up The Fine Fight (1Timothy 6:12)
I throw flowers at your feet, upon the path of which you will tread.
P.S. By The Way.Chevys Destroy Fords!!
Edited by - Utopian_Raindrops on 18 January 2003 16:58:18
Edited by - Utopian_Raindrops on 18 January 2003 17:0:55
Edited by - Utopian_Raindrops on 18 January 2003 17:10:0
'You live, you learn, you love, you learn, you cry, you learn, you loose, you learnnnnnn.' Alanis Morsette.
Edited by - fiveshadows on 18 January 2003 17:6:27