If a baptized Jehovah`s Witness practiced praying , kneeling , with his hands clasped together , in the congregation , he would be hauled in before a judicial meeting , because he would be classed as stumbling the congregation and causing divisions .
This is what false Christians do , an Identifying mark , of being a part of "Babylon the Great" they might say.
It would be interesting if our friends here who still go to meetings for one reason or another ( family ) would test this out .
Male or female it does not matter ,I`m just curious to know what the response would be from the general members of the congregation or the Elders response .
In reality it should not be an issue , however a cult religion may take exception.to that display.
Who is up for the challenge ? I`m sure many of us would like to know. You could always plead ignorance as to how you should pray.
You would only need to do it till you got a response
just saying