What's Your Sign?

by minimus 45 Replies latest jw friends

  • Blueblades

    minimus, my wife and I are boyh Gemini's.

    How about an extended Horoscope form T.V. Guides' Sally Brompton.(Jan.18-24 issue last page)

    Gemini: (May 22--June 21) This is going to be a good week, as the sun enters one of the most positive areas of your chart;Venus and Jupiter, planets of love and luck, are perfectly aligned; and Mercury,your ruler,moves in your favor.What does that mean in plain language?It makes it hard for you to lose.

    I find no reason to believe in any of this . I posted it just for you my friend. Blueblades

  • minimus

    Thanx Blue! I still get a kick out of this nonsense. But don't tell the elders, OK?

  • Robdar

    Taurus, Libra Ascendant, Cancer moon, Venus in Aries (I'm a lover baybee) Mars in Pisces. Mercury in Aries, Jupiter in Capricorn, Saturn in Capricorn, Chiron in Pisces. I have trines all over the place. I am sure that Moe could tell me what that means.

  • Veronipony

    I'm a Sag, moon scorpio as well as venus and jupiter and descendant in scorpio.

    Wooh! spooky sh--t. neptune is next to my sun, which make me spiritual but too kind.


  • pr_capone

    Libra here! Oct 3rd

  • Aztec

    I'm a Sagittarius and although I don't believe those silly horoscopes the personality profle is pretty accurate. I love fortune cookies. I gave one to my son once and he asked me to open it for him. He then proceeded to start dancing in the middle of the kitchen floor while my family all watched him. I opened his cookie and his fortune said "You love to be the center of attention"...LOL

    My horoscope for today:Even your most casual utterances end up being spot-on. People are seduced by your playful authority. The length of your trip is determined by how much fuel you have -- and Sagittarius's tank is constantly full

    Sooo who's been seduced by my playful authority today?...LOL


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