Money, Money, Money...and Money, Money, Money

by The Rebel 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • The Rebel
    The Rebel

    I made a post of this, but feel it warrants a thread. In CENTRAL LONDON ( Paddington) The " Property Management Company" we refer to as Jehovers Witnesses, bought a church building, which is now a Kingdom Hall, but with the outside appearance of a church.

    I got an explanation from Bethel " It's just a building"

    Well let's give the organisation CREDIT for its business sence. the building was I am sure purchased with cash and not CREDIT.

    Anyway that purchase made over 30 years ago, will I believe make 50,000000 if in the future.

    Why do I say this?

    i believe that former " church" building will obtain planning permission to be converted in to flats. Therefore those figures are not absurd this is PADDINGTON, CENTRAL LONDON,where to purchase property 12 times the national average is required for a mortgage.

    I have no problems with the business investment, but I recent a PROPERTY company hiding behind Religion.

    Now the point I want to make is that I generally believe the money donations are not what the society is interested in. I believe this is a smoke screen and that they are more interested in getting members to leave property in a will to the society.

    I say this because the society is to me " A PROPERTY COMPANY" first ( and a very RICH one) Second a religion ( and a very POOR one)

    Personally i believe I know 3 witnesses possibly leaving homes to " The Propert Company"

    Why do I think this?

    Only that I know these people asked the elders to witness the will, and I know how the society views members wealth, they want it.

    The Rebel.

  • Splash
    What's the address of this place?
  • The Rebel
    The Rebel

    Good question Splash:-

    I am trying to find pictures because it's an impressive building more like a Cathederal than a church. ( I mean Kingdom Hall) The address is either Monmouth Road, London, W2, or Princess Square Gdns ( they are the 2 Kingdom Halls listed in Paddington)

    I am 90% certain it's Monmouth Road. Pictures would be greatly appreciated.

  • The Rebel
    The Rebel

    found it, the former Church now a Kingdom Hall, is tucked away from what seperates Kensington from Paddinton. ( 11 Monmouth Road)

    Now if that's not a good property investment rather than religion I am religiouse.

    i am sure all the sheiks and their neighbours visit meetings regularly. Yet the society ask money for world wide donations......and they bought this when the end was just around the corner.

    The Rebel.

  • Je.suis.oisif

    Rebel - Hi,

    There's an elderly wealthy sister in the congn I've just became inactive from. She's in her late70's. Her non-jw hubbie is approx. 10 yrs. older and is in poor health. She intimated to me the she was going to speak to the elders re. her estate in the event that she survived her spouse. She's no family etc.

    I remember thinking it made my blood run cold. My eyes weren't open then, and I didnt know ttatt, but it didn't sit right then.

  • The Rebel
    The Rebel


    agreed, and it never did make much sence that " Jesus" mixed with the drunks, the whores, and WORSE even the " CARPENTERS." Yet as J.Ws we avoided " such" people like they had the plague.

    I wonder if the above groups the society imply we should avoid, had money, would the society then say we should welcome them?

    The Rebel.

  • Splash

    I found it on google maps.

    It's less than one mile from Kensington Palace!

    To put valuations into perspective, individual flats in that cul-de-sac go for around £1million each.

  • punkofnice
    Wow. It looks like a masonic lodge
  • The Rebel
    The Rebel

    Splash:- " To put valuations in to perspective, individual flats in that street go for 1 million each"

    Areeed, so let's turn the building and area ( we can build high, 4 maybe 6 floors?) So let's convert in to 50 flats. Hence my 50 million figure. ( I am sure the society has good architects and as a WEALTHY PROPERTY COMPANY good contacts at the council :-)

    Do you not agree it's possible?

    The Rebel.

  • Splash

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