Watch out for the movie, "An Apostate Called Barney". I want a front row seat.
Paint, Barney, and Jehovah
by John Aquila 29 Replies latest jw experiences
Aprostate Exam
References to past experiences good or bad are necessary to prove a point and to keep us from making mistakes again. This is the material that historical study is made of. We need to reference historical events to prove this stupid organization wrong. Oversensitivity has no room in academia, nor research. Excellent job uncovering all the absurd belief and false name of god. I wish I was with you that day John, I would've called him Barney to his narcissistic f@#*%Tard face. I love pissing off self righteous idiots. Excellent story!
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Mr Aquila you crack me up, I love reading your post you do have a way of putting things across to make people think. I`ve decided I`m gonna start writing some of the stuff down so I can use it myself. Thanks mate. Steve2 isn't as sensitive as you think you should have read what I wrote to him on a post when I misunderstood, it wasn't pretty, he took on the chin, I was the one apologizing, any way sensitivity in a man is a good thing we got enough arseholes in this world.Link +2 / -0 -
Even Lego star wars? We watched star wars in Bethel and shared it around to other elders...
Barney should be informed about that to keeo him busy..
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WT wants it both ways; they will say that Jehovah doesn't answer specific prayers, or protect individuals, but then they will publish the stories about brothers praying about going where the need is greater, and getting a big check.
Don't forget the countless times you have heard the story of the sister who, in service, called along at the home of a rapist, and got away safe, when the cops later asked why he didn't rape her he said there were 2 large men with her.
I was in a hall once when the tornado warnings went off; the elder said we aren't going to the basement as he had never heard of a kingdom hall being hit by a tornado.
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