Things I like.......

by Tatiana 21 Replies latest jw friends

  • Tatiana

    Wanted to do this to remember why I want to be here......I'd also like to know some of your likes....if you care to share....

    1. rainstorms

    2. black kittens with yellow eyes

    3. wind chimes

    4. the moon shining on the ocean

    5. my son, Dominic's, voice (very soft and soothing-he's 11)

    6. a hundred candles all lit at once

    7. the smell of marshmallows roasting on a stick

    8. sterling silver

    9. black silk sheets

    10. a long, good book

    11. fishing with a cane pole and worms

    12. Alfred Hitchcock movies

    13. long hair (on men or women)

    14. walking barefoot

    15. incense

    16. deep purple pansies

    17. porn

    18. crickets

    19. tattoos

    20. prairie dogs

    21. black Jaguars (any year)

    22. drive-in movies

    23. Halloween

    24. solitude

    25. angel food cake

    26. rock (new or classic)

    27. porch swings

    28. canopy beds

    29. Roadrunner cartoons

    30. lightening

    31. dark, semi-sweet chocolate

    32. seashells

    33. cool, hardwood floors

    34. royal blue anything

    35. hematite

    36. white Christmas lights in July (at restaurants, not on your trailer home) hehe

    Oh well......I might stick around....



  • pr_capone

    1. thunderstorms
    2. swing music
    3. dancing
    4. my Volvo
    5. my house
    6. my ex girlfriend
    7. my best friend
    8. my cat Felix
    9. Puerto Rico
    10. my niece (cute!!!)
    11. thats it for now.... I will think about it some more
  • JH

    1. My cat (All Pussies)

    2. My car

    3.My computer



    6.My suitcase bomb

    7.My freedom

    Edited by - JH on 19 January 2003 19:54:48



    I like: Full Moon Evenings

    Dusk, just after sundown.



    Good Friends

    Canadian Classic 12 year old rye whiskey

    Being 40


    Flying in a plane

    60s/70s/80s music, different kinds

    Strong Coffee

    Planet Earth (despite its imperfections)

  • Billygoat

    Hi April! I hope you're doing well! I haven't seen you around in a long while! This is a total fluff thread, but I think there is a beneficial exercise to writing down positive things like this.

    1. My great husband.

    2. Sleeping in on Saturday.

    3. Ice cream with toppings.

    4. Sunsets.

    5. The loud purr of my cat.

    6. The soft ear fur of my dog.

    7. Snuggling in a cold quilt on the sofa. Even in the winter.

    8. Fresh sushi.

    9. A phone call from a friend I haven't talked to in a long time.

    10. Listening to loud music in my car.

    11. Making my husband laugh.

    12. Italian reds.

    13. A baby's giggle.

    14. A brand new sheet of paper in a new notebook.

    15. The smell of fresh cut grass.

    16. Waking up to fresh coffee.

    17. Watching a fire in the fireplace.

    18. Hiking.

    19. Bubble baths.

    20. Sunday afternoon sex.

  • Mum

    Hi, April. I'm so glad for this post. Thanks for the smiles in looking at those lists. I have been thinking about you because you seemed to be struggling with some problems the last time you posted. I hope things are getting better.

    Keep in touch from time to time. If you need an encouraging word, please let us know.

  • Shakita

    It really should be ....things I love.....

    I love........

    the smell of a new baby

    the sound of rain falling on the roof

    watching TV in bed

    walking on the beach in the off season and feeling like I belong there

    taking pictures with my new digital camera

    my family

    reading a good book

    the first snowfall of the season

    reading to my daughter before she goes to sleep

    a cuddle from my kitty

    eating chocolate


    There are so many more....but I will stop there. Thanks for this thread April, sometimes it is nice to stop and take stock of how fortunate we are, and the people we love and care about.

    Mrs. Shakita


    Things I like?. . .Titania? (Disclaimer: Not in any special order)

    1. Ballroom dancing

    2. Shoes with high heels and stocking hose (yeah!)

    3. My lovely red hair with a blond streak (I blame "things" on my blond streak)

    4. Sex (oral, too. . .shhhhhh! )

    5. Men (gotta love 'em!)

    6. Roses

    7. Fluffy kitty cats

    8. My computer

    9. Hair and Body glitter and all other shiny things (like glittery ballroom gowns)

    10. My gold jewelry
    11. Men (gotta love 'em!)

    12. Simon's forum

    13. Wind chimes

    14. Walking in a warm rain

    15. Stationery Stores? <giggle>

    16. (((((Lots an' lotsa Hugs)))))

    17. My good friends

    18. Men (gotta love 'em!)

    19. Long walks in the country (with someone special)

    20. ESTEE cologne

    21. Breakfast in bed

    Okay. . . I better stop now. . . .



  • Solace

    1. The special people in my life

    2. Being with / talking with the special people in my life

    3. Breathing

    4. Forgivness & Compassion

    5. Communication

    6. Babies

    7. Being in love

    8. Bubble baths

    9. Mushy, romantic movies

    10. Hugs, kisses & snuggling

    11. Hugging, kissing, snuggling, watching romantic movies & taking bubble baths with the one I love

    12. Chocolate & Coffee

    13. Spring

    14. Lavender Roses & White Lillys

    15. Holidays

    16. Music

    17. Kitties & Koalas

    18. People who care

    19. People who stand up for what they believe in

    20. People who can admit when they are wrong (Hey, Im working on it, k?)

    21. Last but not least, I like everyone here who has shared and given so much of themselves to help others.

    Edited by - heaven on 19 January 2003 23:15:41

  • meadow77

    * Candles

    *big bathtubs

    *Sheryl Crow

    Can' tgo anywhere without my Sheryl Crow CDs. My favorite songs are I Shall Believe, My favorite Mistake, and Safe and sound. As a matter of fact I have a Sheryl song for every event in life. Sheryl Crow - Tuesday Night Music Club - I Shall Believe

    Come to me now
    And lay your hands over me
    Even if it's a lie
    Say it will be alright
    And I shall believe

    I'm broken in two
    And I know you're on to me
    That I only come home
    When I'm so all alone
    But I do believe

    That not everything is gonna be the way
    You think it ought to be
    It seems like every time I try to make it right
    It all comes down on me
    Please say honestly you won't give up on me
    And I shall believe
    And I shall believe

    Open the door
    And show me your face tonight
    I know it's true
    No one heals me like you
    And you hold the key

    Never again
    would I turn away from you
    I'm so heavy tonight
    But your love is alright
    And I do believe

    That not everything is gonna be the way
    You think it ought to be
    It seems like every time I try to make it right
    It all comes down on me
    Please say honestly
    You won't give up on me
    And I shall believe
    I shall believe
    And I shall believe
    Sheryl Crow - Globe Sessions - My Favorite Mistake

    I woke up and called this morning
    The tone of your voice was a warning
    That you don't care for me anymore

    I made up the bed we sleep in
    I looked at the clock when you creep in
    It's 6 a.m. and i'm alone

    Did you know when you go
    It's the perfect ending
    To the bad day i was just beginning
    When you go all i know is
    You're my favorite mistake

    Well, your friends are sorry for me
    They watch you pretend to adore me
    But i'm no fool to this game

    Now here comes your secret lover
    She'd be unlike any other
    Until your guilt goes up in flames

    Did you know when you go
    It's the perfect ending
    To the bad day i've gotten used to spending
    When you go all i know is
    You're my favorite mistake
    You're my favorite mistake

    Well maybe nothin' lasts forever
    Even when you stay together
    I don't need forever after
    It's your laughter won't let me go
    So i'm holding on this way

    Did you know, could you tell
    You were the only one
    That i ever loved
    Now everything's so wrong

    Did you see me walking by?
    Did it ever make you cry?

    You're my favorite mistake
    You're my favorite mistake
    You're my favorite mistake

    Sheryl Crow - C'mon C'mon - Safe And Sound

    Safe And Sound

    Maybe this is forever
    Forever fades away
    Like a rocket ascending into space
    Could you not be sad?
    Could you not break down?
    After all, I won't let go
    Until you're safe and sound
    Until you're safe and sound
    There's beauty in release
    There's no one left to please but you and me

    I don't blame you for quitting
    I know you really tried
    If only you could hang on through the night
    Cuz I don't want to be lonely
    I don't want to be scared
    And all our friends are waiting there
    Until you're safe and sound
    Until you're safe and sound
    There's beauty in release
    There's no one left to please but you and me

    Until you're safe and sound...

    Feel like I could've held on
    Feel like I could've let go
    Feel like I could've helped you
    Feel like I could've changed you
    Feel like I could've held you
    Feel like I could've hurt you
    Feel like I was a stranger
    Feel like I was an angel
    Feel like I was a hero
    Feel like I was a zero
    Feel like I could've cured you
    Feel like I could've healed you
    Feel like I could've touched you
    Feel like I could've saved you
    Feel like I should've heard you
    Feel like I could've moved you
    Feel like I could've changed you
    Feel like I could've held you
    Feel like I could've kept you
    Feel like I should've told you
    Feel like I could've loved you
    Feel like I could've loved you
    Feel like I could've loved you
    Feel like I could've loved you
    Feel like I really loved you

    *My husband(he'll be glad to hear that)

    What I like best is sitting in a big bathtub with my husband surrounded bu candles listening to Sheryl Crow. MMMMMMMM no calgon needed.


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