Wanted to do this to remember why I want to be here......I'd also like to know some of your likes....if you care to share....
1. rainstorms
2. black kittens with yellow eyes
3. wind chimes
4. the moon shining on the ocean
5. my son, Dominic's, voice (very soft and soothing-he's 11)
6. a hundred candles all lit at once
7. the smell of marshmallows roasting on a stick
8. sterling silver
9. black silk sheets
10. a long, good book
11. fishing with a cane pole and worms
12. Alfred Hitchcock movies
13. long hair (on men or women)
14. walking barefoot
15. incense
16. deep purple pansies
17. porn
18. crickets
19. tattoos
20. prairie dogs
21. black Jaguars (any year)
22. drive-in movies
23. Halloween
24. solitude
25. angel food cake
26. rock (new or classic)
27. porch swings
28. canopy beds
29. Roadrunner cartoons
30. lightening
31. dark, semi-sweet chocolate
32. seashells
33. cool, hardwood floors
34. royal blue anything
35. hematite
36. white Christmas lights in July (at restaurants, not on your trailer home) hehe
Oh well......I might stick around....