Wow Cicatrix that was extremely well put! BRAVO!!!!!!!
Anna Nicole Smith ~ the horror or not ?
by Xandria 25 Replies latest jw friends
i am sorry but a woman who is so cheap that she marries an 85 year old to get his money deserves no credit!
added: she always was trashy...that has nothing to do with her getting even less attractive now. sad as it is we are not that far away from apes in our development...therefore it is (unfortunately) natural that man prefer young healthy looking woman. to cry about this is pointless.
Edited by - realist on 21 January 2003 8:46:48
Cicatrix - well said !!!
When someone allows his or herself in the public eye they are going to be open to scrutiny. I look at this as a horror. Yes, she is a human being with feelings. Yes, she definately had some issues. She has the control to get help, or make this worse. The choice is hers.
It is more self damaging to fool yourself into thinking all is all right, when in fact there are definate signs she needs help.
It is how she presents herself. She craves attention.. even bad attention is attention. That tells me she is crying out for help. AN that is the horror of the show. Everyone wants to watch someone implode but will they step in and help her back up ?
So that is the debate w/ my family. Some thinks she is trashy, some think she is pathetic in the attention she craves. But none has really thought on how she presents herself. There are many layers. An is this the real Anna we are looking at or the one she presents to the world ?
I think we see flashes of the real Anna through it all. An deep down we are looking at a woman who has gone through so much, made some whoppers in mistakes, but haven't we all. I hope she finds the strength to heal.
I have to admit to watching the show. I agree with a little bit of everything said here. It's kinda like watching a trainwreck. It's really messed up but you just can't help yourself from taking a look. I think she should definitly fire her makeup artists. That bright red glossy lipstick she wears that gets smeared all over her face after she's had a couple of drinks is just wrong. And I think there is no need to comment on the blue eyeshadow. I think she doesn't really care what she looks like as long as she gets paid. She said as much on her show. An elderly lady saw her sitting outside in a cafe, and they talked for a minute, the lady said she seemed like a very nice girl etc, etc, and then said that she believed the producers of her show were exploiting her. Anna replied "that's o.k. as long as I get paid"
Hollywood's worst dressed women list is out
Mr. Blackwell unleashes abuse on tacky stars
Anna Nicole Smith takes 'top honors' on Mr. Blackwell's annual list.
(1/7/03 - Los Angeles) Catty fashion critic Mr. Blackwell unleashed his tart tongue in his annual list of "Worst Dressed Women," and that's bad news for a lot of ladies in show business.Here's Mr. Blackwell's rundown, complete with comments.
10. Pink: "Out of the blue pops Pink, and I'm seeing red! Cartoon-colored proof that any fashion sanity for her is really dead!"
9. Christina Aguilera: "Her barely there bimbo bombs wouldn't cover a gnat let's just call her the 'Worst Undressed' and leave it at that!"
8. Meg Ryan: "A total fashion wreck Ryan's all chills and no thrills looks like a swap-meet fashion queen in Beverly Hills!"
7. Donatella Versace: "Time to toss the peroxide once and for all She resembles a flash-fried Venus, stuck in a Miami strip mall!"
6. Anne Rice: "Her musty, dusty mausoleum wear redefines 'Queen of the Batcaves' Anne looks like a cross between Queen Victoria and the vampire Lestat!"
5. Princess Anne: "Her Royal Dowager Drag is dreary, drab and dour wake up, Anne, you're getting worse by the hour!"
4. Cameron Diaz: "Looks like she was dressed by a color-blind circus clown When it comes to fashion, it's chaos when Cameron's back in town!"
3. Shakira: "Overwrought and underdressed, she always strikes a familiar pose somebody should tell her those are probably Madonna's old clothes!"
2. Kelly Osbourne: "A fright-wigged baby doll, stuck in a Goth prom gown now we know what happened to Ozzy's hand-me-downs!"
1. Anna Nicole Smith:
"Anna's fashion follies are the worst of the year don't bother with a new designer Anna, just hire a structural engineer!"On the positive side, Blackwell praised Reese Witherspoon, Debra Messing, Halle Berry, Catherine Zeta-Jones, Oprah Winfrey, Jordan's Princess Firyal, Renee Zellweger, Kate Winslet, Nicole Kidman and Jennifer Aniston as "Fabulous Fashion Independents for 2002."
For a second consecutive year, Blackwell was unable to deliver his put-downs at a news conference because surgery on his throat has left him with a weak voice, according to his spokesman, B. Harlan Boll.