You're Canadian When

by WildTurkey 48 Replies latest social humour

  • shera
  • Beans

    Very good WT, I actually had to check yes to almost all of those!
    And the biggest bonus of all is that we don't have a law on the alcohol content of our beer! If I had to drink 3.5% alc/vol I think I would have to move! I experienced this pain the last ime I was in the states on vacation, I could drink a 2-4 and still walk to the beer store. Beans A proud hoser eh!
  • RunningMan

    OK, once when I was in the States, I ordered "chips" with my meal. They brought me a plate with a bag of potato chips emptied onto it.

    What's up with that, eh? Who eats potato chips as a side dish?

    Edited by - RunningMan on 21 January 2003 16:59:57

  • VeniceIT

    Acutally a lot of Sandwich places do serve chips with food. Here in the US we call what you ordered 'Fries'!!!!

    I've never said the term 'soda' unless talking about scotch but even them I'm a purist!

    I usually refer to all pop as coke actually..........

    for some reason when ever I think of Canada I think of 'Strange Brew', is that what it's really like????

    HAHAHAHHA *ducks*


  • shera

    Yeh,we call em,fries too.

    Ever have a donair? I don't eat them too much,very greasy.They are good tho.

  • Scully

    shera...... the best donairs we ever got were in Halifax at a little place off of Lady Hammond Road near Robie Street........ <sigh> It's worth making a trip back there, just for those donairs... LOL

    The donairs..... plus the clams and chips at John's Lunch in Dartmouth.... mmm mmm good!

    Love, Scully

  • shera

    I used to eat at John's Lunch all the time.I was thinking about that the other nite.Good food... (Small world)

    Come down for a visit and we'll go together...

    Edited by - shera on 21 January 2003 18:20:1


    Oh me, oh my! Mouthy, I have been naughty! Looks like I deserve some deserved counselling.

    Lack of respect, these young ones nowadays.

    We'll have to get out that old NWT and administer a 'spiritual beating' to Rayzorblade.

    I'll rephrase: Rest-Rest-Rest & Coffee (good) and Red Rose or King Cole tea brands.

    The Donair. I forgot all about those. In Atlantic Canada, one chain I remember: Greco Donair. They were everywhere, and they were good. Mmm!


    Oh me, oh my! Mouthy, I have been naughty! Looks like I deserve some deserved counselling.

    Lack of respect, these young ones nowadays.

    We'll have to get out that old NWT and administer a 'spiritual beating' to Rayzorblade.

    I'll rephrase: Rest-Rest-Rest & Coffee (good) and Red Rose or King Cole tea brands.

    The Donair. I forgot all about those. In Atlantic Canada, one chain I remember: Greco Donair. They were everywhere, and they were good. Mmm!

  • jgnat

    Let's not forget Poutine, folks.

    Personally, I won't go near the stuff. Cholesterol city. But it smells heavenly.

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