My Book, 'Gifts in Men', by Patricia F.Sadio

by GiftsinMen 26 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • Xanthippe
    Dubstepped I guess I just don't think my story is interesting enough for anyone to pay for it. Perhaps I am just too lazy or too exhausted to try and write a book. Good luck to those who do. Writing is work after all and deserves a wage. Some people's stories need to be heard.
  • Magnum
    The Searcher: I have read the Greek scriptures, and my understanding convinces me that you are (unwittingly) perpetuating one of the Org's corrupt interpretations, namely, that where Ephesians 4:8 in the RNWT says "When he ascended on high he carried away captives; he gave gifts in men", the original Greek does not say "in men."

    In fact, every Bible translation here renders it as "gifts to men."

    1 Corinthians 12:1-11, 28,30,31 describes those gifts (it doesn't describe men!) and 1 Corinthians 13:8 states that all those gifts would cease!

    That's interesting; I wasn't aware of it. I've got to check it out.

    I sure have learned a lot on this site and found a lot of stuff that stimulates me to do more research.

  • Diogenesister
    don't mean to disparage what I haven't read - your book - but I have read the Greek scriptures, and my understanding convinces me that you are (unwittingly) perpetuating one of the Org's corrupt interpretations, namely, that where Ephesians 4:8 in the RNWT says "When he ascended on high he carried away captives; he gave gifts in men", the original Greek does not say "in men."
    In fact, every Bible translation here it as "gifts to men."
    1 Corinthians 12:1-11, 28,30,31 describes those gifts (it doesn't describe men!) and 1 Corinthians 13:8 states that all those gifts would cease!
    The Org has indoctrinated this false teaching into the minds & vocabulary of J.W.'s throughout the world, in order to elevate the standing of the little Napoleon's within K.H.'s. thanks for this I had no idea, wow these guys by their own biblical standard (of not altering the scriptures) are in the s@*# big time!

  • GiftsinMen
    I have not been disfellowshipped. I had no idea there were jw forums as I am not much of a user of social media and find it quite strange that some think I have to be part of any online group to have an 'approved' traumatic experience of The WT. I am a prolific reader and have been more than happy to buy books I'm interested in reading, I've never read an ebook, call that old fashioned but its my preference. I may yet enjoy it once i try it. I have an extensive library for my work, to broaden my mind and just for fun. My relationship with Jehovah and Jesus has not altered, I was a Christian before a JW and remain one today. As most writers are aware, it always costs far more than money to write and share a personal experience.
  • prologos
    Searcher, you lived up to your name with that wt transliteration detail. will check on what you sniffed out here. It would have deserved it's own thread to stand out for all, not just the book worms.
  • Pubsinger
    I'm a long time poster here and I can 'vouch' for Trish. I know her personally and was in the same Cong for a while. We left independently and unknown to each other until we met up again a few weeks ago. I have read the book too 😊
  • steve2

    Thanks for the thread Patricia. I shall look up your book.


    Diogenesister - I never knew this twist until now !

    GiftsinMen - I purchased your book about 2 months back - thanks!

  • smiddy

    Well Patricia , if you haven`t been DFD , before you soon will be now.( not that you should mind )

    It sounds like an interesting book to look into.

    Thank you Pubsinger for vouching for Trish

    And welcome to the board Patricia F Sadio , I hope you can share some of your experiences here.


  • GiftsinMen
    Hi pubsinger and smiddy don't you find it a bit odd that I have to be 'vouched' for? I'm not sure what some are afraid of, its an open forum, isn't it? or did I miss something?

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