Let's talk. First, RE: the inspectors. What is their job? What mandate do they carry, and what does the UN Resolution demand of Saddam? What are the consequences mentioned in the resolution if he fails to follow through?
The UN Resolution states that Iraq must turn over all WMD (to include those little warheads already found). This includes accounting for the over 29,000 warheads the Inspectors says he has. He either has to turn them over or SHOW EVIDENCE that they've been destroyed or rendered harmless. He's not complied with this, he didn't even declare them in his Weapons Declaration.
Saddam was also to turn over ALL documents dealing with the development of WMD. Yet, 3000 documents dealing with the enrichment of Uranium were found in the home of the chief scientist of Iraq's Nuke program, documents that were to be declared, but weren't.
He was to declare and account for all dual use items, yet, with evidence of the purchase of atomized aluminium (used uniquely for rocket fuel), and the production of chlorine way beyond the needs of the country for commercial purposes, which is also a precursor agent for some nasty chemicals weapons, all undeclared.
All the scientists were to be made available for interviews WITHOUT having Iraqi "minders" present during the interviews. This has yet to happen.
Even Hans "Inspector Cleuoseu" Blix has said there are holes in the declaration that you could drive a star ship through.
The Inspectors job, by the UN resolution, was not to FIND weapons, it was to supervise the destruction and disarming of Iraq. Iraq was to do the work. It's not been done. Saddam is in material breech of the UN Resolution. He's not complied.
The consequences, while not spelled out, were noted to be "severe consequences". The inspections program is failed because Saddam hasn't lived up to his part of the bargan. Why give the inspectors more time when Saddam ain't doing any of what he's supposed to do?
Why are France and Germany oppossed? Aside from France grasping for relevance in the world theatre, it stands to possibly loose out on money it gave to Iraq. Further, as has already been shown with Germany, it's suspected that France has sold a lot of forbidden items to Iraq, and they want to avoid the embarrassment of these revelations.
NOW to the rest of your most ridiculous post...
guess the concept of propaganda is new to you
Sooo, the anti-war folks don't produce propoganda? Is it important to you that the organizers of the anti-war march in Washington was the US Communist Party? That these guys absolutely love Kim jung EEL and love tweaking the nose of the US.
Some knuckleheads say it isn't important who organized it because of the sentiment expressed, yet I dare say if the organizers of a march supporting the war effort were from the military-industrial complex or from the KKK that this would be the only point the "Peaceniks" would talk about.
may i ask you why none of these secret documents etc. were given to inedpendent investigators (like the UN) ?
I wouldn't give the UN toliet paper. But we don't know to whom these documents have been given. They WERE given to the US. Generally speaking...secret documents are just that, secret. And with the Anti semetic attitude of the UN and most of europe, it's no suprise Israel doesn't try to pass off this info.
5th strongest army in the world, high tech weapons, slautered babies in kuwait etc. ... strange that all of this turned out to be lies.
These were lies? Iraq had the 5th LARGEST army, which was the comment made. They did have high teck weapons, or don't SCUD's, HAWK missiles, and MIG Jets count? and they did slaughter babies in Kuwait. and people, this has never been discounted by anyone. Talk about buying into propoganda.
it were not the arabs or islam that started to mess with americans. it was first britain and france which were replaced after WWII by israel and the US who exploited and occupied arab land
While I agree France and Britian did cause a lot of problems, you failed to mention the Turks before them. Ummm, last I looked Israel was established by your vaunted United Nations, that doesn't matter to you? FACT: Pre Arab Israeli war, all the land the jews were on was bought and paid for. Exactly how is it that the US and Israel exploited arabs? We developed and bought their oil bring their standard of living up significantly. We occuppied Egypt, Jordan, Syria, Iraq, Lebenon, Saudi Arabia? When?
further if you can't see what interest groups in the US will profit from this war and who has to pay for it then i can't help you either. bush signed a 34 BILLION dollar (11%) increase in military spending at a point where the US holds already about 50% of world wide military spendings....for what i ask you? who has to pay for this? the average american who will gain nothing from it.
OK, make the case, who is going to profit from this. Weapons producers, that's for sure, I don't deny this. Big Oil? They'd make more profit if there were peace and the sanctions were lifted. As it stands now the oil concessions after the war will be mostly with France Russia and Turkey. While I won't dispute the figures about defense spending because I haven't seen them lately, let me assure ya, the US spends less of it's Gross Domestic Product on defense than many countries, and less of the GDP of the US goes to defense now than in ages. The 34 billion, WASN'T ENOUGH! I say this as a guy on the inside.
you said this war will bring peace and a better life to the iraqies. i bet you now that this war will bring destruction to iraq and nothing else. the oil will be taken away from them and the country will remain poor. US and british oil companies will exploit the oil bringing billions of dollars into the hands of a few already filthy rich people.
You think this war will NOT bring a better life to Iraq. Iraq, where people disappear off the streets and from their homes because of a misspoken word about Saddam or the Bath Party (remeniscient of Vince Foster with the Clintons huh). With no free press, no free speech, with Iraqis being jailed, killed, gassed for opposing a dictator, nothing will get better for Iraq?
Actually, with the war plan as I understand it most of Iraq will be spared. Bagdad MIGHT take a beating, but the US is pretty good about rebuilding infrastructure which is the plan. I'd say Germany and Japan are great examples of that.
The oil will be taken away? Says who? Currently the plan is to allow those countries that have concessions to continue with those concessions, and to use the Iraqi revenues from these oil sales to feed the people and rebuild the nation. Again, YOU are being naive, the "big oil" companies would profit more from peace and the end of UN Sanctions, not from war.
will this war have any positive effects for the 270 million americans? no it won't. it will increase the threat of retaliations from desperate and frustrated arabs and it will cost the americans about 100 Billion dollars. it will secure oil imports to the US which could have been achieved for a fraction of the cost by just doing peaceful trading without trying to screw the arabs.
I love that arguement "it will increase the threat of retaliations " That's the same reason people in drug neighborhoods often don't report crimes. It will increase the threat of retaliation from the drug lords. Your neighbor gets killed by a drug pusher, you see the whole thing, but don't react for fear of retaliation. WHAT BS. Fact is NO MATTER WHAT we do, we will be exposed to terrorism. The object of the terrorists is to get the US to withdraw from the world stage so they can push their radical Islamic agenda. In the mean time they get stronger and pretty soon BAM! They have the power to take out the US.
As Blix has said even the best-hidden weapons can now be detected with new technology.
Ummm, hardly, yes NUCLEAR WEAPONS MIGHT be detected, but not chemical weapons. First, ya gotta know whereabouts their hidden, which Blix has NO IDEA. Besides, it isn't the job of the inspectors to FIND weapons, Saddam is to turn them over. So far, by the UN's figures, there are over 29,000 chemical warheads UNACCOUNTED for, but why should you be bothered with facts, you're anti war and anti american in spite of the facts.