Vienna is far more diverse than Munich. I go to both cities regularly and Vienna looked like Teheran already in the 1980's. My aunt and grandaunt used to live in downtown of Vienna since WWI and even back then many areas of the city were extremely dirty with the refugees. West Bahnhof or Sudbahnhof looked far worse than train station in Russia or Ukraine. Last time I was in the area to refresh memories of my deceased relative, I got extremely unease feeling of general lack of safety. Some Kosovar Albanians were chasing a guy through the streets not far from Hofburg castle, empty stores fronts, and streets abandoned by 6 pm.
Austria is generally a crap country with nice scenery. Moment you take a train from Germany to Salzburg and than continue to Linz, you start to get delays. Cities in Lower Austria look as run down and impoverished as the cities in Moravia in the Czech Republic or western Slovakia. At least these two countries were under Soviets until 1989, while Austria kicked Red Army in 1955, but has very little to show for. Refugees that are pouring from Hungary do not want to stay in Austria, but go to Germany. Austria has much harder immigration and residency requirements than Germany, and currently its economy is in long stagnation since 2008 (one of the lowest economic growth recorded in old EU). Austria has a share of populist like deceased Heider, they play on both sides, to demonize East Europes and refugees, and Germany, but also maintain a face that they will welcome everyone. Any case, Austria often on its own closed borders with Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, and Slovenia in past 25 years and we in the Czech Republic calling it Austrian farmers showing their farm vehicles and equipment, because this is one way they do it.
Lastly, all Central Europe is worried that Germany will eventually close borders and will expel refugees eastwards as they had done with Vietnamese community in East Germany. Nobody, and I mean no politician in Visegrad group, Balkans, Baltic states trust any word that comes from German official mouth. Merkel is as much trustworthy as Putin. Dealing with tens of thousand people who do not want to stay in Central-East Europe would be very problematic.