Does anybody know what the watchtower's teachings on dinosaurs are (except for the ones that make up the Governing body!)?. Also anyone know if they have said anything about extra terrestrial life or UFO's? I seem to remember hearing one ex witness saying something about dinosaurs were only put on earth to flatten the planet, but I'm pretty sure not even the WTBTS would teach something as stupid as that (would they?)
Dinosaurs, Aliens and the Watchtower
by figureheaduk 17 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
No Apologies
One explanation I heard was that after the third creative day, there was all this vegetation run amuck, since there were no animals to eat plants, so Jehovah made these big critters to mow it all down. Then of course, they had accomplished their purpose and they died off. Not sure this is actually out of a WT publication, but I did hear it at a Kingdom Hall.
The Aid book, printed in the early 70's, declares that if any dinosaurs were still alive at the time of the flood, they would have been wiped out at that time. Noah of course took two representatives of the lizard kind into the ark, just not dinosaurs.
Yes, this was the 1970's.
I am not making this stuff up.
This thread might help some..
District Overbeer
Also anyone know if they have said anything about extra terrestrial life or UFO's?
There was a WT / Awake article just a few years ago (can't be any more specific than that, sorry) about aliens and UFO's. And you'll never guess what conclusion they came to. Go on, see if you can guess...
That's right, it's those pesky demons again.
Dinosaurs and Aliens? They run the WBTS,LOL!...OUTLAW
Uh,.....Bronto poop makes for good fertilizer? (And I'll bet these mighty beasties still didn't lay down as much crap as you'll find smeared across the pages of the Watchtower's literature!!!)
In the late 80's, I think teachings on aliens went something like:
The test of Universal Sovereignty (TM) (i.e. whether we follow Satan or Jehovah) is being played out here and now on earth. Therefore, we can be the only fleshly conscious beings in the whole universe (otherwise our little test of sovereignty here on earth could not be described as "Universal"), so there aint no aliens.
I dunno what the current theory on aliens is though, maybe something equally as daft.
I like the picture of the dinosaur in the old green WT Bible. Just looked again to make sure it hadn't vanished. Don't know why its on the map, but it is there!
Hi No Apologies; So after the herbivore dinosaurs flattened the flora Jehovah created carnivore dinosaurs to eat the herbivores??? Did they bleed their prey properly or was blood just not an issue then??? Warrigal
No Apologies
Warrigal, don't be silly. Jehovah would not create carnivores. Don't you remember that all the animals ate plants in the Garden of Eden. So when the dinosaurs were on the earth, at least several thousand years earlier, there would be no fearsome carnivores lurking about. Of course, some no doubt were designed by Jehovah as carrion eaters, with sharp teeth and claws designed to tear the flesh of dead dinosaurs. And of course God's law on consuming blood has never applied to animals(Job 39:30).