Several weeks ago I sat through the public talk and could not believe the lack of substance of the talk. It was filled with worn out bromides and illustrations that we have all heard hundreds of times. I was embarrassed for the speaker and flabbergasted that the audience could actual sit through such nonsense.
Thenabout half way through the talk, I realized that I recognized the talk. In fact, I had given that same talk many times. What is worse is that talk was one of my favorite talks to give. Perhaps one of the reasons I liked the talk was that it could be given on autopilot with very little thought or preparation.
In any event, I left the meeting with a strange feeling. I was happy that I have made such a total transformation in my thinking. And, at the same time I was angry because of the time I wasted and upset that perhaps someone may be attending meetings right now because of my words or actions.
Has this type of experience ever happened to you?