Why can't Jehovah Witnesses date or marry people that are not Jehovah Witnesses? Thanks.
Dating non-Jehovah Witnesses
by ClassAvenger 26 Replies latest social relationships
The Watchtower - May 15, 2001
"Jehovah's direction for Christians is very clear: 'Marry only in the lord.' (1 Corinthians 7:39) Christian parents and their children may be tested in this regard. How so? Young people may wish to get married, but available partners may be lacking within the congregation. At least that is how it seems. There may be fewer available men than women in a certain locality, or their may be no one deemed suitable in the area. A young man who is not a dedicated member of the congregation may show interest in a young Christian woman (or vice versa), and there is a pressure to compromise on the standards that Jehovah has set. Under such circumstances, it would be good to reflect on the example of Abraham. One way that he maintained his fine relationship with God was by seeing to it that his son Isaac married a true worshipper of Jehovah. Isaac did the same in the case of his son Jacob. This took effort by all involved, but it pleased God and resulted in his blessing.-Genesis 28:1-4."
Whatever !!!!!
Hi Class, Why date a non-Witness when all that you'll get is heartache? They'll wind up cheating on you because they're not a Witness. They'll never come in the "truth". So they're gonna die anyway. A JW that doesn't listen to the counsel winds up getting "marked" and shunned. A talk will be given about how terrible it is to date an "unbeliever". If you sinned and did marry such a person, they'll probably try to not let you go to meetings and the ministry. If you have kids, they might die at Armaggedon because you violated God's word and your mate refuses to let them become JW's. So you see, it's a very serious matter to a Witness.
Hi ClassAvenger:
The JW's are a cult. You cannot marry anyone who is not part of the cult. Because...."bad association spoils useful habits".............Too bad they don't realize that the bad association referred to here in the bible is actually talking about THEM!
May I ask why you are asking this question?
Mrs. Shakita
ClassAvenger - If you're thinking of dating a JW, forget it, don't get involved. The JW will be studying, preparing, going to meetings, going door-to-door and refusing, on religious grounds, to do practically everything you would like to do. Unless you become a JW too your life will be a lonely one. Everyone here will urge you not to become a JW; read on if you want to know why; better yet... just RUN!
Thanks for the replies. Lets say that both were believers and dedicated to God, but they were different religion, one of them being a JW, would that matter?
At a recent assembly the DO said that dating and kissing a non-JW would be like kissing a corpse in the morgue. Why? Because non-JWs are as good as dead because only baptized JWs will survive the coming destruction of the wicked. At least that is what JWs teach. So non-JW = corpse.
ClassAvenger, no that would not matter at all. The Jehovah's Witnesses believe that all those in other religions are doomed because all other religions are of Satan, not God. I am curious. Why are you asking such rudimentary questions? What do you know about the JWs? Is there a JW in your life that is deceiving you? Just curious, not trying to put you down.
larc, yeah, something like that. It's a friend yet i dont understand their point of view towards dating, and other matters. JWs think they are the one and only perfect religion and only they can be saved, what about 200 years before when this religion was not around? I've tried to understand their point of view, and even been reading some of their books published by The WatchTower but to me it seems like some things are twisted here and there, and some doctrines I do not understand or see the point to it. Im not malicing their religion, but just wonder where they get a lot of these things. One of those topics i did not understand was the restriction from dating non-JWs and thats where the question came from. As you have seen I am not a JW, but i respect their beliefs although I do not believe them. Thanks.