A friend of mine had just moved to another congregation, but had not moved out all the firniture and stuff yet, so a few times he was in his old house clearing up. He was seen by one of the elders then, walking hand in hand with a woman. And the brother was single (aged 40), the elder at once summoned a committee. They did not bother to mention this to the brother in question, make a call or talk to him, but they wrote some lines on the seriousness of this incident etc., and sent it to his new congregation, asking them to form a committee and find out why he was behaving like this. OK, they did so (the elder who was behind all of this and had witnessed the shocking behaviour, was a special pioneer and thought of himself as being next to you-know-who) and summoned him to appear before a committe. "It's been reported you have been seen walking hand-in-hand with a woman on the date of so-and-so. Is that correct?" - "Yes, it is." "What do you think of such a behaviour?" - "I find it natural and good." "Is this a woman you are planning to marry?" - "No, no way am I planning that." "But, how can you say such a thing? Why can you then do such a disgustful thing? Who is this woman?" - "It is my mother." .......... So without any word of excuse or anything, the matter, the serious case, was dropped.
The same pioneer called me to appear an evening, but "just in front of me" as he put it (Wow! Was I lucky, no committee!). The reason? When I pulled down this white sheet - thing to be used with the overhead projector, I pulled it down when standing behind it, so that from the congregation's view, they saw the white sheet and then my legs were visible below the lower part of it, and that looked kind of funny, some youngsters smiled or giggled, and nothing an elder did should be considered funny bythe youth. My action seriously rocked the congregation's view of the elders as serious and hard-working older men.
Reproved by a committee and in effect having to resign as an elder because of visiting my df'ed daughter (who had asked for being reinstated and in fact was reinstated one month later), when she was ill with cancer.