Who are the best vocalists?

by heathen 31 Replies latest jw friends

  • heathen

    I see some names I hadn't thought about such as Roy Orbison who was a great song writer and he did perform his songs in a way denoting a true vocalist .Surprised no one has mentioned Micheal Jacson or Diana Ross or even Tina Turner .I think that Ozzy lacks range but can carry a tune even though he uses a tele promter to remember the words But he does put on a good stage show .Steve Perry from journey is a good choice or Ian Astbery from the cult . Ronnie James Dio is also very good for rock choice . I just heard a commercial with a James Brown song going on I think he was a good vocalist . Thanks for the replies as I'm sure there are names I haven't thought of.

  • LB

    Roy Orbison is great. I'm partial to Jim Morrison, Faith Hill and Suzy Bogguss.

  • Francois

    Frank Sinatra/Barbara Streisand


  • freedom96

    I don't think Robert Plant is the best of all time. He is ok, but in my humble opinion nothing all that great.

    Jeff Tates from Queensryche has an incredible voice, and has been talked about a lot. Paul McCartney has always been good, as of course others.

    Female, I think Sheena Easton has a great voice. Faith Hill is very good too.

    Elvis of course, but that has a lot to do too with having a unique voice. Others may have sung better, but when you put his voice and charisma together, he was great.

  • heathen

    Francois- Sinatra and babs definately deserve to be mentioned here . I am a big sinatra fan myself .

    LB- jim morrison is a good pick as well . I like the Doors .

    How about Mick Jagger ? I like singers who express the music with a passionate way and not just sing the words .

  • happyout

    Good heavens, I can't believe no one has mentioned either Barry White or Luther Vandross. Both of them sing the greatest ballads. And, not to be hokey, but what about Barry Manilow? As for women, maybe Teena Marie, Melissa Etheridge, Patti La Belle (when she's not screaming) and Gladys Knight.

  • Sargon

    Male, Freddie Mercury... without a doubt. Here's one from left field, female, Kathleen Battle.

  • meadow77

    Sheryl Crow, Sheryl Crow, Sheryl Crow, Shery Crow.

    Edited to add I agree with Freddy Mercury.

    Edited by - meadow77 on 22 January 2003 20:16:5

  • heathen

    Freddy murcury another one I forgot . Barry white also had some songs I liked . I am having a hard time putting a song to some of the names mentioned though. Just thought of another one I like , John fohgerty .

  • pr_capone

    Cab Calloway for best male vocalist ever

    Aretha Franklin or Ella Fitzgerald for best female vocalists

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