Fashion at the Kingdom Hall

by YellowLab 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • bay64me


    You took the words right out of my mouth. I can't recall seeing much 'fashion' at the kingdom hall either!

    There were a lot of charity-shop-numbers and ill fitting hand-me-downs at the hall I attended. There was a sort of unspoken rule that to be too fashionable was worldly. The more dowdy women dressed, kind of made them appear to be more spiritual.

    The male attire was a joke. Double breasted suits with w i d e lapels, white sport socks with black shoes ,and I swear, one of the elders wore origional 1970s hipster flares!

    I hated having to wear skirts all of the time. I got rid of the grotty stuff that I used to wear. I actually like getting ready to go out now.

  • truthseekers2

    One of the things we are shouting HIP HIP HURRAY over is...



    I swear, I got so sick of people looking down their noses at my baby boys because I wouldn't dress them in a suit and tie when they were babies and toddlers!

    We've already revamped our wardrobe. Hubby's grown his much longed-for goatee. hehehe I must say, he looks HOT! My daughter and I got our ears triple pierced (this is a no-no in some can't be used on the platform for "extra" things). Our son is wanting his dark hair highlighted at the tips. We aren't doing this because we desire to be rebellious. It's just that now we can and there is not reason not to! We are so enjoying LIFE and not having to live it by other people's rules.

    I never understood it. We'd sit at the meetings learning about those terrible scribes and pharisees who added to the law and made it burdensome and pat ourselves on the backs as JW's. And they weren't adding burdens?! It never made any sense to me!

    Edited by - truthseekers2 on 22 January 2003 18:26:50

  • Shakita

    I never played the fashion game at the hall. Could never afford to. We were too busy "storing up treasures in heaven" instead of impressing sister or brother so and so with our latest duds.

    Mrs. Shakita

  • Bendrr

    The two congregations I attended weren't really much of any kind of "fashion show". Most of us didn't have much money, my family included even though my [step]dad was doing pretty well in the insurance business. So it never bothered me wearing hand-me-down and second-hand suits to the meetings and service. But I did notice when my [step]dad gave talks at other congregations that in many of these halls everyone was dressed much nicer.

    All the suits I ever wore in my 20 years in the Empire were second-hand and some of them were downright awful. When I left a little over 10 years ago I didn't put on another suit and tie until my "worldly" aunt's funeral in 2000 and I rented that one. It felt really weird being in "meeting clothes" with long hair and earrings.


  • sunshineToo

    There was a sister who always dressed up like a Gypsy or as if she was in a cocktail party. I say it was like she was screaming for an attention from her husband or some one else.

    For me my favorite is Ann Taylor. Sometimes I find nice things at Petite Sophiscated, too. Since I'm not going to the meetings I rarely wear my suits.

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