Month -to-month statistics for U.S

by Joker10 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • Texas Apostate
    Texas Apostate

    Living In my little world, I think not. I see that Cult for what it is. I do not defent it. I do not make excuses for it. I only feel sorry for the people who are honestly looking for some connection with ghod, and get taken advantage of by the Idiots who prefess to speak for Jehovar. Followers of Followers is all they are. Like I said YOU are a Self-Righteous IDIOT. Stating "Oh by the way I am not an apostate". What F@#$KIN arrogance.

    Oh and since you say you are a believer, what the hell do you mean by that. What do you believe? That they have ghod's approval? That they speak for ghod"? That they are ghod's organization on earth?

    You are not a follower of the religion, but you put up some stats that what, prove that their numbers are growing? And let me guess, this proves that they have jehovar blessing.

    You have investigated those accusations, and you are still a believer, and defender of the Watchtower CULT. You are either sincerely trying to find your way out of this CULT, or you are to dumb to figure out that the Jehovah's Witless is a destructive CULT.

    Texas Apostate of the Dirty South Apostasy ring.

    Edited to add "What F@#$KIN arrogance"

    Edited by - Texas Apostate on 22 January 2003 18:14:51

  • larc

    Nowhere, I have the numbers back to the 1920's, and as I stated in my previous post, the trend since the early 1940's is a downward tread - from double digit increases down to 2%.

  • Nowhere

    :I have the numbers back to the 1920's,

    You do? Can you e-mail me those numbers or put it up here?

    // Thankful

    Edited by - Nowhere on 22 January 2003 18:39:48

  • Elsewhere

    They may still be growing, but their growth is starting to stall. It is just a matter of time before the growth either levels out or, even better, starts to go down.

    As larc pointed out, they have gone from double digit growth to lower single digit growth in the 1 - 2% range. This means that their "market" is saturated.

    The only reason they are still growing is because they are constantly whipping the flock into doing more work... "More! More! More! Get your quota of 10 hours!!!" I can hear the whip cracking right now.

    Because of the way they are going and visiting the inactive ones, I expect to see more growth... but that will be a temporary "quick fix" the leadership is running out of ways to squeeze more growth out of the current field service work.

    They only way they will get the growth to continue or increase is by changing their recruitment techniques. What they have in mind, I don't know, maybe televised conventions like Billy Graham. But I have to admit, I find that unlikely because they WTS is an organization of control. That is why it is so hard to get their literature unless it is handed to you by a JW. That is why they don't want their "spiritual food" copied on the internet, that is why they don't like it when JWs are in field service and refer to themselves as representing the WTS (to avoid lawsuits).

  • larc

    Nowhere, I do not know where the numbers are right now, but I think I can find the percent changes for each year. I will post them soon. If you want to see the results from 1988 to the present, you can find these at The graphs there, show the overall numbers for: publishers, pioneers, baptisms, and average hours. These numbers are also shown for each country.

  • William Penwell
    William Penwell

    No proof of the Pedofile issue? Well news shows like NBC Dateline, BBC Panorama and now CBC The Fifth Estate, would all disagree with you on that.


  • Mary

    "....Joker 10 said: I'm new here, but would like to say that I'm not an apostate, and that i do favor their work...."

    Ya right. Not too many people outside of the Borg gives a rats ass about statistics and increases.........give Ted Jaracz a big kiss for us, 'kay?

  • somebody
    that is why they don't like it when JWs are in field service and refer to themselves as representing the WTS (to avoid lawsuits).

    they don't want publsihers doing publishing work on the phone for them saying that thay represent the WTS either. The WTS even tell them in a KM what to say to avoid the question. Notice the "without pausing"

    If the person asks, "Whom do you represent?" simply say without pausing, "I am one of Jehovahs Witnesses, and I am calling to invite your opinion on this interesting question. Have you ever wondered . . . ?" If the householder asks, "Where did you get my telephone number?" you could reply, "From the directory, and I am calling to invite your opinion on this interesting question. Has it ever occurred to you . . . ?"

    oooppps statistic topic here!

    Won't happen again.



  • Golden Girl
    Golden Girl

    It's easy to make numbers on paper... work to your benefit!...I worked in a bank!

    And I always did admire those Texans!!!!!!!!!!


    Who lives with one of those statistics!

    ps.I did notice the decline in the yearbook about Japan tho. I also noticed that a few months later the awake had an article about how materialistic Japan was becoming and how their teens were out of control!..Nice cover job..don't ya think? Always cover your butt!..Famous JW saying!..

    Edited by - Golden Girl on 22 January 2003 19:33:49

  • larc

    I think the modest increase last year was a result of the 15 minute rule and 911. Next year, I bet there won't be an increase. Since Wintesses today pad their numbers and are rarely seen out in field service, there can't be much of an increase in the forseeable future.

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