Birthday Wishes Welcome!
by LifesNotOver 28 Replies latest jw friends
life is to short
Happy B-day, 71 is the new 61 so here's to many great years to come and sorry I am not tech savy but I will send you a cake.
just put my back out laughing, any sayings that can put it back please?Of course: Going by a church and reading their sign out front or bulletin board inside can take the kink out of your back it's very therapeutic.
The Sermon this morning 'Jesus Walks on Water.' The sermon tonight:
'Searching for Jesus.'
'Ladies don't forget the rummage sale. It's a chance to get rid of those things not worth keeping around the house. Bring your husbands.'
That last one is dedicated to Life's Not Over ! -
Congratulations! 71 and FABOO!
Happy birthday.
Happy birthday Lifes Not Over ( until the fat lady sings ) apologies to all fat ladies who cant sing.
Well you have nade 3 score + 10 plus one lets hope you can enjoy many more years in freedom from the borg
just fine
Happy Birthday! I remember your posts and am glad things are looking up.
❤️🎂🍻 hope it's a great day for you.
Happy birthday and pleased that your new start is coming together so well!