If suddenly, we stopped posting here, would you feel a loss? I think of persons such as Amazing, Maximus, Hillary Post and others that either suddenly decided to stop posting or just really, can not. Do you REALLY miss persons that are no longer regulars here? Do you truly value those "friends" that we have made here? You know, we never know if someone might get sick or even pass away. In cyberworld, have we made any difference in anybody's life, or does our posting here, really not matter???
How Would You Feel If Something Happened To Us?
by minimus 22 Replies latest jw friends
I bet I will be the 1st to "pass away" Tell me you will miss me????lol
minimus, I just recognize that people have lives apart from JWD. People come here to share, to heal, to entertain, and some just to be a big pain in the arse.
So, I figure that they know where we are if they want or need to come back. I miss them, but my needs are secondary to theirs. Some day I may leave and not come back (not yet so don't get your hopes up).
So I miss almost all of you that were once here (some of you scared the bejeebers out of though).
Blondie (mist: What is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes.)
Mouthy, You probably will outlive us all! Blondie, even though we're all eventual mists, I would hope that we will always have your Watchtower summary to enjoy.
I know I will miss the people that I have formed bonds with....
I hope that I can make more friends.
: How Would You Feel If Something Happened To Us?
Are YOU part of the US, in that question? (This makes a difference to me before I could give any sort of an answer, you know! )
It's inevitable that after forming friendships online, even if we never get to meet people in person, that we'll feel loss if they are no longer here.
Of course we'll miss people!
There are some who used to post here, that I miss.
There are some who used to post here, that I don't miss.
There are some who currently post but if they left, I would miss.
There are some who currently post but if they left, I wouldn't miss.
And there are some who used to post, and have left, but I don't miss them, because I'm still in contact with them!
Mouthy ((((((((Hugs))))))))))) now,,,,,,,you hush yo mouth dear lady!!!!!!!!!!!!! You are going to just have to live to be 200,,,,,,, that is the way I have it figured you can give so much ,,,,,,, the life time we are given is just not enough, especially for a sweetie like you.
Now for the question ,,,,,,,,,,,, my answer is,,,,,,,, I would miss you all very much.
I miss a certain poster , a lady, I won't go into to details to protect her privacy , but I noticed she just vanished. She still has not come back, even thou we were not close friends I enjoyed her honestly ,sense of humor and she was so kind. I know why she left and I understand, but still miss her presence.
When Pierced Angel was gone for awhile I missed her too. I saw a girl that looked like her one nite and I coudn't get her off my mind ,,,,,wondering where she was . A few weeks later she reappears , as Lutuce(sp?), I was glad she was ok.
I know when I really started getting to know alot on this board I have shed tears, shared laughter, shared our experiences of JW and life in general. I feel happy when someone wins a court case, or gets a new job , or finds true love and gets married. I feel pain in my heart ,when someone has been hurt by others, the abuse they went thru as children.
I think of so many of you thru out my day, you would think you were my next door neighbor and we do everything together. I can be washing dishes wondering, if Katie and Craig had a wonderful honeymoon, How is Jesika's court case going? Is Valis wearing open toe shoes when it is this cold? Is Vivamus doing ok,,,, I know she misses her grammie. Has Sirona been to the doctor lately and how is she doing? What about Cassi and Max, is she on the road to recovery? How is Mimilly doing ? What are the Austrialians up too? How does Simon handle this board with two little boys, that I am sure want him to play all the time? How does Ang put up with Simon..LOL? Is Cowboy, out in this cold weather tending to the cows? Is Outlaw going to survive this cold winter in his cabin? How in the world does XenaW have the patience to put those beads in such order? What is Scootergirl cooking today for her family? Wondering if Eyegirl ever got my email?? Wishing Scarlet and Random didnt live so far. Thinking, boy, Xena sure looks beautiful in her new pics. Thinking of those who send me emails and how kind they are .
Oh God I could go on and on.... but that was just a little sample of how my overactive brain works,,,, always wondering about you all and how your day is.
So no one leave, everyone stay put !!!!!!!!!!!!!
Edited by - LyinEyes on 23 January 2003 9:18:47
Prisca, great summary! Lyin eyes, I liked how you expressed your thinking....it shows how you view people.