Comments You Will Not Hear at the 1-26-03 WT Study

by blondie 21 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • blondie

    Thanks for catchiing that point, UNDF.

    I also notice that they carefully but "Jehovah and Jesus" in many places now where it used to be only "Jehovah." Maybe they read this DB.

    I noticed too that the are circumventing the copyrighted "Jehovah's Christian Witnesses" with the Christian congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses. They have to clear up the misconception that JWs are not Christians by using a label or slogan (ha).


  • jgnat

    I welcome your weekly review, Blondie. It makes the weekly dose that much more bearable. I hope this has been a week of good health and humor for you. My own notes,

    Draw Close to God

    for January 26 study from WT December 15, 2002 What Can You Learn from Jesus Birth?

    The following was partially quoted in this week's study:

    A Science Odyssey: 100 Years of Discovery (1998) by Charles Flowers
    Foreword by Charles Osgood

    The more we come to know, the more we realize how little we know. The more we understand, the more clear it is that everything we have learned is nothing compared to what we have yet to learn. Behind each locked door we have managed to open are still more doors and more locks, and so on ad infinitum. So science is not an arrival, but a journey. It is not a fixed body of knowledge or growing shelf of facts and theories, but an infinite series of questions. The most brilliant of scientists have been those who have sought not the right answers to give, but the right questions to ask.

    The WT is full of answers. Lets come up with some good questions.

    1. What kind of pride does Jehovah oppose?
    2. Does Jehovah oppose pride in accomplishment? How about the pride that lifts oneself above the angels, even Jesus?
    3. Can an organization be guilty of pride? If so, what would be the signs we should look for?
    4. If,
    clearly, we will never know all there is to know about Jehovah, how can the WTS presume that all of the rest of Christendom is wrong about His nature?
  • Who is a stranger, and should I associate with him? Numbers 9:14, Ezekiel 47:22, 23, Matthew 25:35
  • Are we not all strangers? Psalm 39:12
  • Who is my neighbour, and should I associate with him? Matthew 19:19
  • How can I tell the difference between the WTS exhorting its members to give cheerfully, and Christendoms churches exhorting its members to give cheerfully?
  • Why were Davids psalms passed over as a source for great prayers?
  • Why did King Asa need an army? Could he not have waited on Jehovah for deliverance against the Ethiopians? 2 Chronicles 14:11, 12
  • Paragraph 12 had me seeing red. I dedicated a thread to it. ...many who claim to love God really do not...Having lived with family members with mental illness all my life, I treasure the ability to recognize my own emotional state. And the absolute WRONGNESS of anybody telling me what I feel.

    Paragraph 14 is not much better. You have to make decisions every day, both major and minor. For instance, what kind of conversation will you have with your workmates, schoolmates, neighbors? ... Will you draw closer to those who show little or no love for Jehovah, or will you seek to strengthen your relationships with spiritual people? Not only do the JW's close ranks amongst themselves, this sickness infects within. New members that transfer from another congregation are treated as strangers. Weak brothers are ignored by spiritually strong brothers. The women are ignored completely. If we follow it to the top, Mr. Jarasz must spend all his time talking to himself.

    Build Intimacy by Means of PrayerA commendable activity. Here is a good-looking on-line study on prayer. Aside from the Lords Prayer, three model prayers are given.

    • Jacob the Trickster, scared to death that Esau was going to beat the Sheol out of him.
    • Asa the Pacifist, with an army of 580,000 men, begged Jehovah to intervene against a massively larger enemy.
    • Elijah, who, upon answer to his prayer, slaughtered four hundred and fifty prophets of Baal.

    These models suggest the WT is suffering from seige mentality. Having kicked sand in the face of all of Christendom's Churches, the great modern democracies of our day, the United Nations, and anyone else who believes differently than they do, the WTS has run to it's tower, waiting for the day of attack.

    What attack? What is the worst the average JW will face from worldly householders, family and friends? Ridicule, slammed doors, fits of laughter? The mourning and sighing and the concerns that weigh us down are all within the WT walls of self created misery. Come on out. The sun is shining, and the water is warm.

    Edited by - jgnat on 24 January 2003 11:59:51

  • wannaexit

    Thank you Blondie and jgnat

    I am a new poster, but I have been studying the tower with you for some time. Couldn't get through it any other way.

  • jgnat

    Thanks, wannaexit. I couldn't get through it any either way, too. Critiquing the materials keeps my mental faculties sharp, and provides a solid mental defence against the inexorable wave of bland.

  • blondie

    Hi wannexit and jgnat.

    Yes, wanna, jgnat doesn't pull any punches but keeps it factual. Wecome to our Review of the WT study.

    I see, jgnat, that you too used a search engine to figure out the source of that quote. Why doesn't the WTS just put it in like any other reputable magazine does? Does it save ink? Are they afraid we might be led to read the publication quoted and fall out of "the truth"?

    Elijah, who, upon answer to his prayer, slaughtered four hundred and fifty prophets of Baal.

    Yes, thinking they are imitating Elijah today, the WTS and their anointed (or is that appointed) elders slaughter people with the flip-flop on transplants, by ruining the reputations of fellow worshippers with the sword of the tongue, stabbing them leading them to spiritual death, treating them as if dead through DFing and DAing.


  • christopherceo


    I have to say that is the best review of a wt I have ever read. Great job to all of the respondants, too. I am also new to posting here and appreciate everyone's research, it help me to see even clearer how wrong I was as a dub and how glad I am to be free!!!

  • Soledad

    thanks blondie for these weekly posts. I always look forward to them

  • jgnat

    Thanks, Blondie. By your example, I have taken on a new hobby. It is so gratifying, isn't it, to attract the interest of new posters? My next goal is to interest some of these "new ones" in doing their own original research.

    Are they afraid we might be led to read the publication quoted and fall out of "the truth"?

    I find it a challenge to track down the source of WT quotes. I have learned so much in the search. For instance, I read up on Existentialism, something I had heard of but thought concepts would be beyond me. My favorite search engine is still google. I was stumped only once in my search. More than one US Clergyman has a sermon entitled, "Do You Know God?". Perhaps the condition of our world is not as bad as the WTS hopes, if godly men continue to exhort people to search out God for themselves.

    Yeah, I would not be surprised at all if a few members of the GB would dearly love to follow in Elijah's footsteps and slaughter their enemies. It is a bummer "Waiting on Jehovah" sometimes. I prefer the Jesus model of enemy control.

  • blondie

    Welcome christopherceo and soledad,

    Thanks you two. jgnat and I inspire each other. We look forward to inspiration from the comments of our readers too. There is no way we know or can see everything in the loaded language and deceptive quotes of the WTS. I always wondered why they had to shore up their statements with quotes from "worldly" people that are doomed to eternal death. It would be like Jesus quoting Satan to make his point to his followers.

    We hope that it helps some to see why they left and to console and protect us from the shaming techniques of the WTS. As jgnat said, do some of your own research. Feel free to use the Proclaimers book when looking up JW history. A lot of the info is true to a point but with a unique WTS slant. See that the WTS taught that Jesus was present in 1874 and the the heavenly resurrection of the anointed already deceased took place in 1878. Did you think it was always 1914 and then 1918 for those events? Did you know that transplants were okay up until 1967 and forbidden until 1980, then allowed again. What scriptural principle changed? Or was there anything scriptural in the first place?

    Blondie (by their own words they will be condemned)

  • blondie

    Just in case anyone has to go today. I get to stay home.


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