This letter was sent to all congregations in Ecuador (South America).
The translation into english of the letter:
Subject: Publisher who did not report field service time in the second semester of service year.
Dear brothers:
The work in the country is making good progress. In the month of July 86,355 publishers reported their activity in the Field service. This number represents the fifth consecutive maximum. There is no doubt that Jehovah is blessing the work of the congregations to fulfill the commission to make disciples in the assigned territories.
On the other hand, we have reason to believe that the number of publishers that had activity in the field service was higher. Given the importance of the matter. We want to ask for your cooperation in reducing the number of missing reports.
Immediately, make a list of all the publishers who did not report a month or more since March 2015. With the help of the elders or servants Group , addressed to publishers and determine if these really did not preach or not deliver the report. Remember that those are very limited because of age or a serious health problem could report in fractions 15 minutes (Km10/14). It is also possible that some publisher could only preach informally a few hours and has not submitted his report for shame or some other reason. In any case, if you find publishers who preached but did not delivered its report , encourage them to do it now and include them in the August report , remember to count twice (or more ) to the Publisher for each overdue report to deliver.
Kindly do not minimize their valuable efforts in this field, sure you will continue to provide loving support to have become irregular or inactive, so that they can report back within a short period . We greatly appreciate your cooperation in this matter.
End of the letter.
I think this letter It could be related to this link:
It seems they are really worried, there are a lot of people is becoming inactives.
El Kato