3 Gods Equal 1 God?

by 7robert7 38 Replies latest jw friends

  • JAVA


    But I'll ask you this, what of unwritten history?

    Written history seeks to record events that effect the larger society. Most happenings in life are "unwritten history," such as the Dayton Unitarian Fellowship (mostly atheists, and agnostics) feeding homeless people by the downtown library Wednesday evenings. Over time, we helped several homeless find a way back into the job market, etc.

    What does this prove? It proves good people can do good things.

    ...counting time at the Coffee Shop

  • Scorpion

    hello java,

    I do not see that the boundaries have changed at all in what I said. History has repeated itself over and over. I did not have anything to do with this, it just happens.

    Also, what has been recorded as world history (is) just a fragment of the times of the past. No boundaries have been changed.

  • larc


    I think your finding three's in nature is a bit of a stretch. As I understand it, according to quantum physics, light has two properties, wave and particle (photons) not three. The elctromagnetic spectum can be devided into a large number of categoeies. Your choice of three is arbitrary. You left out ultraviolet although you included infrared, for example.

    Also, time doesn't have three parts. It only has one. Past and future are mental constructs. They don't exist.

  • larc


    Show me references to research that proves that Christian run rehab programs are three times better than other programs.

  • patio34


    Your assessment of god being a human-dishonoring concept seems correct to me. It is pointless to debate about trinities and ancient mythologies as if the basis for them were proven, namely, that there is a god.

    The ancients had trouble understanding some of the happenings in history such as thunder, lightning, tragedies. Then religion arose to explain them. And, as well, supported a priestly class to have some power over the people. Also, a benefit was to have a higher authority to impose laws for the community's benefit.

    But now, humans understand most of what is happening in the natural world and do not need to rely on a mythical father-figure to explain things. It's time to move on.

    But I digress from the main point of a trinity, don't I? So sorry. I didn't actually read all of the posts, due to the length of some of them.

    I'd rather go thru life with questions I can't answer than with questions I can't ask (or answers I can't question)."


  • willy_think

    i noticed a lot of people speak of proof, my dad told me i can't prove the trinity. then he smuggly said why should i believe if you can't prove it? (i think the WTB&TS inc. uses this as one of it's control methods) i told him i could and would. but first he must prove he is sitting here talking to me. he could not. nothing can be proven. nothing. i can't prove the trinity but you can't prove you are reading this. or that you even exist. the WTB&TS has put a wall in front of the R&F JW's thay tell them to demmand proof, but ofcourse thay give them slogans and confusing calculations that are based on nothing at all, this is not proof. THIS IS NOT PROOF. i say get rid of the anti-bible get 4,5 or 6 different translations of the NT and read them like "books" from begining to end, not all cut up and out of context. you will see what you see. i think in the end you will understand for your self what you are ready to understand.

    the ideas and opinions expressed in this post do not necessiarly represent those of the WTB&TS inc. or any of it's subsidiary corporations.
  • Carmel

    Answer this and the trinity issue will be resolved!

    When does .999999 to infinity = 1 ?

    Follow up question, is the physical universe finite or infinite?

    carmel who always comes through

  • larc


    Again, you make a good point. Thousands of years ago, when man knew very little about how the world worked they made up theories which included gods, angels, devils, and the spirits of departed loved ones to explain their world. Over the centuries, and especially in modern times, the world of the supernatural has narrowed considerably, and world of scientific understanding has increased dramaticly.
    If people want to argue about the nature of God, so be it, but I think all the time spent in trying to figure it out would be better spent trying to improve their own lives or the lives of others.

  • willy_think

    math is an abstract model of what exeists in the physical plain of reality. what is .9999999999999 of anything. of what? .999999999 does not exeist with out the other part that makes it hole. it is a game we play to help us think about part of a whole. it is not the whole. it is not a part of the whole. it is a model. from it we can build nothing. we can think of nothing. with out the other part.

    how does that answer the trinity? is your god only part god? like maby .999999999........ no this answers nothing

    Follow up question, is the physical universe finite or infinite?

    if that is the only 2 options, then the answer must be yes the universe is finite or infinitite. but if that is all we can think of that doesn't mean that thay are the only 2 possible answers.

    my world is finite, my solar system is finite, every thing i have ever experienced is finite. do you think the nature of the universe changes outside of our solar system. or are you asking if there is space outside of matter, beyond matter? no, space is a measurement of distance between matter. no matter, no space, no time, no energy. no existance we are able to understand.

    the ideas and opinions expressed in this post do not necessiarly represent those of the WTB&TS inc. or any of it's subsidiary corporations.

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