Anyone Vegetarian???Need advice...

by LyinEyes 27 Replies latest social physical

  • LyinEyes

    Well I just got my blood work done, it was way over due , it has been three years. It came back good on the sugar, but bad on cholestoral...... and very , very bad on triglycrides.

    My family on dad's side, everyone has trouble with this from a very early age, and all of them have to be on meds even thou they changed diet, lost weight, and exercised.

    Now I know I need to do all of the above. Not just for vanity anymore but my life.

    The doc, thinks since I had this three years ago or maybe it was longer,,,,, that I may be showing signs that it is heritary and since my dad's levels at an early age were sky high, that could be the reason for mine. The triglycrides are 3 times higher than they should be.

    I am trying to do research on all of this and plan on starting a new diet, totally diff from what i have been doing. I have been eating more meat than I should, to cut out sugar.

    But in my case I am thinking of weaning myself off of meats to just a couple of times a week.

    How many here are vegetarians, and why? Health or just don't like meat( I love meat). When you changed your diet what did you add instead of meat as a dish? Did you feel better, lose weight, did it help your blood work readings? Also , what is the best brand of veggie burger , I happen to like them.

    I have no problem giving up milk, but cheese may be hard to give up......... are there any good brands of soy fake cheese?

    Just any advice would be helpful right now. ......... thanks....... Dede

  • Southland

    Fellow cheese lover here too ... very bad for my sinuses ... did you know that feta cheese doesn't count like regular cheese? It's really tasty too, especially with balsamic vinegar! Yummy!

  • Brummie

    I'm not vegetarian but I dont eat any form of processed meat, or foods or sauces that have meat particles in them. This cuts down my meat intake considerably, so I buy mainly vegetarian dishes, even then I'm not keen on the flavour soya or quorn meat substitutes. I cook a lot of rice and pasta dishes and I still eat bacon (mmmm), thats what stops me from being a veggi.

    This web site offers veggi dishes and nutrition advice:

    There's probably a lot of sites that could help you in determining whats best and whats not so good for you. Pasta is supposed to be damaging to the stomach if too much is eaten so you just have to check everything.

  • Mac

    I am a member of PETA!

    People Eating Tasty Animals.


  • Mac

    Edited by - mac on 23 January 2003 3:2:18

  • Fe2O3Girl

    Your tryglyceride levels will respond fairly quickly to a change in your diet; your cholesterol level will change more slowly. There is a school of thought that blood cholesterol level is affected more by the level of saturated fat in your diet than by dietary cholesterol.

    On my one visit to the states a couple of years ago, food appeared to be very clearly labelled with nutritional information - check out levels of saturated fat. You don't have to cut out meat completely to reduce fat. Most cheese is very high in fat, also watch how much butter and oil you use in cooking.

    Don't assume that anything is "healthy", check the nutritional information.

    Can your doctor refer you to a dietician who can advise you?

    JLOB has followed a low fat diet, he might be able to give you some ideas. Also, the WeightWatchers plan uses a points system which is based on counting the kcalories and saturated fat in what you eat. I think they have an online system - check http:/

    My dad has hypertension (high blood pressure) and tends to have high cholesterol. Changing to a low fat diet, reducing salt intake, eating lots of garlic and taking lecithin supplements have helped him.

    Good luck!

  • Dia

    And for something COMPLETELY different, go to

    One doctor thinks high cholesterol is a good thing insofar as it is a self-defense mechanism to protect your bloodstream against a very threatening form of deep dehydration.

    Check it out. Many people swear by it.

  • Shakita


    I was diagnosed with high cholesterol about 2 years back. My doctor tried diet restrictions, I lost weight and kept to the diet pretty well, but the cholesterol still was high. My doctor put me on a statin drug to lower it. Well, I happen to be one of the small percentage of people who cannot take statins. I experienced extreme fatigue, muscle cramps, anxiety attacks, and a racing heart rate. My doctor never told me that this could happen from taking statin drugs. When I went back to the doctor and reported what was happening to me, she immediately took me off the drugs and put me on other cholesterol lowering drugs. My cholesterol finally fell to an acceptable number and everyone was happy! It took months to feel like normal again, you might want to be aware of what statins can do if your doc wants to put you on them.

    Mrs. Shakita

  • Witch Child
    Witch Child

    I was a vegetarian for three years until my recent pregnancy forced me to change for a time. I was very nauseated and had many food aversions. When it was discovered that I was WAY under on my protien intake and my efforts to fix that without meat failed miserably... well what can I say? I'm glad I had options!

    Vegetarianism is not so very difficult. You eat vegetarian meals all the time without noticing. Pasta with marinara sause, PB&J, Mac&Cheese, etc. We have not gone back to strict vegetarianism yet, we eat meat a few times a week. I just try to keep our consumption under control. Vampire should really be vegan, milk products set off his asthma and his family is just a mess as far as cholesterol and heart disease etc goes. I keep him off dairy pretty much and encourage him to skip the meat as often as he feels he can.

    You can go to and do a search for vegetarian recipes. I would reccomend going to and looking for vegetarian cookbooks that got good reviews from customers. Good luck with this!


  • hannibal

    If were not supposed to eat animals, why are they made of meat?


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