I think it was back in 1987 or 1988. I was living in Toronto. That is the LAST place that I was an active JW. I still do not know officially if I was DF/DA or otherwise, but we'll say this: it doesn't matter.
So, I am thinking of returning to eastern Canada to visit my family. I decided to fly back east for a long weekend. Remember, I am about 1000 miles from Toronto.
OK...so, I am out and about in this small eastern Maritime city. I decide somewhere along the way, that I am hungry, and I should get something to eat. I walk into a local fastfood joint, and make my order. I get what I want, take my tray and head for some tables off to the side.
This is where it gets weird.
As I'm seated there, I do notice, vaguely, that there are some people seated off to the side of me, not near, but several booths over. I am NOT paying attention as to WHO they are, but I guess, they somehow recognize me, after me not having been there in almost 5 years.
All of a sudden, I hear a whooosh of people leaving ALL the tables. I find the commotion odd, so I look over. Then it dawns on me, the woman who was hurrying people away, was a sister I had remembered from several years before. I did a double-take, because she was pointing in my direction: I was the ONLY person seated in the entire section. It was her two teenage kids, and some other JW teens I gather, that unknowingly were sitting TOO close to me. I mean...hello!? I was NOT talking to them, nor even looking at them. My mindset was that I was probably DF/DA'd. But I was not conspicuous by any means nor in anyway shape or form, trying to speak with these people.
It was weird. I did NOT leave the restaurant. I stayed put, ate my meal, got up, and noticed that NONE of them were even in the restaurant. Weird! But that was odd, considering I didn't think it was public knowledge back in Toronto, 'why I was disfellowshipped/disassociated', and here I am two provinces away, and it's like, I've got the plague! How did they even know?
I did head back east this past summer. All the time I was well aware of the fact that I could run into any of my former congregation members.
Interestingly enough, I forgot, looks can change in 20 years. I ran into people I had not seen in about that long (worldly friends from high school) and we all look so different now. Ironically, I was at my brother's pagan wedding (Celtic theme) down there, and the weekend of my brother's wedding, I found out later, was the Circuit Assembly in Moncton, so NO one was around. I was not worried about it. After almost 20 years, you really aren't affected by it as much. Afterall, you have solid worldly friends now .
The shunning issue is a burning one. More so for those that have either left quietly, or have been recently DF/DA'd. It is a real killer, and it has to be one of the WTBTS nastiest edicts.
I was not officially DF/DA'd (that I know of), but I was shunned, or avoided in a rather unusual fashion.
Edited by - RAYZORBLADE on 29 January 2003 6:19:48