Found this (joke?) pretty sad indictment of WT
Australian RC Cartoon
by possum 15 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse
Village Idiot
Why are there two Catholics? -
Maybe because in Australia we had one very senior Cardinal Pell (who has since gone to head office Vatican) who was particularly slimy......??? -
The ARC have also investigated the RCC, so it's illustrating that the JWs are the more reprehensible of all the institutions.
When my daughter gave evidence in person(prior to the public hearings) the commission told her and me that JW where the worst they had dealt with and they received many more submissions then they could deal with because a large proportion of them dealt with incest not "Institutional" abuse. They where shocked!!!!! -
@ possum, what does that tell you? Institutional abuse is where the "leaders" abuse the "lay" children, as in elders abuse children who are not their own. Incest on the other hand is in the family. Much much harder to deal with as the family itself, including the victimized children find it much harder to disclose, and do so much later in life. Also, it is very common that the wives or children may not want to report to the police. (this is the case of people who are not JWs). It is much harder for elders to "control" what goes on in the privacy of family life, and just because a family claims to be JW by name, does not automatically mean they are JW in deeds. In contrast in other religious institutions child molestation involving the congregants is never dealt with, child molestation is only dealt with at the level of pastors and priests. The fact that the numbers of child molesters in the RC involved anyone who crossed the paths of JWs made the numbers large. Only a small percentage were elders or min servants, hence not so much a case of "institutional" abuse. -
Oh and P.S. you are very unlikely going to have congregants say from the Catholic church calling the commission to say they were abused by one of their parents are you? -
Institutional abuse in the RC context means abuse by elders or others reported to the elders/organisation but not dealt with appropriately eg, reported to the child protection or police. The courageous woman giving evidence was a victim of abuse by her father eg, incest. Cults like JW are a perfect place for acts of abuse sexual or not to be carried out with impunity as it is patriarchal protected by a patriarchy. And JW as a high control cult is very aware of what goes on in families to the most intimate details of married brothers and sisters sex lives or they wouldn't have rules and police eg, oral sex masturbation. And the fact they try to control sex and sexuality gives the JWs a very warped vision of healthy sexuality and gender. How many parents have confessed to priests about abuse and never been reported to police?? The commission also made it plain that many of the persons who contacted them where in a pretty bad shape emotionally/mentally and even if their stories didn't fit the brief "institutional abuse" they at least had their stories acknowledged.
As I posted on another thread there is no point responding to Nitty. She would defend her beloved seven if they were caught with blood on their hands performing ritual child sacrifice. -
nitty gritty, The numbers speak for themselves the victims in the JW religion were involved with the elders in the non of reporting a crime 1006 to zero reported to the police.
High control groups have a higher than normal sexual deviant problem. The WT society have been unrelenting in criticising other groups on this very issue.