How much money is rich?

by freedom96 18 Replies latest jw friends

  • freedom96

    I was just reading a posting blasting President Bush for being rich, and therefore not looking out for the average American. That is another issue, not for this thread.

    My question is this: What do you consider rich? How much money? $50,000 a year? $100,000 a year? Maybe $500,000 or more? What actually consitutes a rich person in your mind?

    I found as I rose in income levels, that what I once considered rich, is really not a whole lot once you get there. Personally, I have friends that make $20,000 a year, and others who make multiple millions a year, and I judge them the same. My point is that I am not judging a person if they are good or bad depending on how much money they make. I look at their charactor. I personally think those with a net worth of several million I could count as rich. Wealthy, even more net worth.

    But those in the $80,000 to $150,000 I just don't really consider rich. That is just me. What do you think?

  • Crazy151drinker

    150,000 a year??? Upper Middle Class.

    500,000+ a year Lower upper Class

  • Swan

    Rich is a state of mind and has nothing to do with money. Some of the richest people I know have very little money.


  • truthseekers2

    $100,000 a year is far from rich today. You get by mediocrely with a family of 6 on that. Sick, isn't it? I think I agree with crazy on his figures. Anyone know where the stats for middle class, etc. are?

    Now, if you are asking me what *I* consider rich... I am sure there are people that lead some of the most richest lives on $20,000/year and some that lead the most empty lives on a million a year! Riches aren't about money in my opinion. (But I'd take $500,000/year in a heartbeat! )

  • hannibal


    I think wealth is very subjective. Its not how much you make, it how much you keep.Making $50,000 or $150,000 or $1.5 mill. means nothing if you spend $60,000 on a $50,000 income, etc...,which seems to be the american way today.My view of being rich is not worry about it, no matter what income level you my be at.

  • happyout

    Hi, Freedom96,

    I think you raised two issues here. "What actually consitutes a rich person in your mind?"and then "My point is that I am not judging a person if they are good or bad depending on how much money they make. "

    To be rich in monetary value in America, IMHO, takes at least $1,000,000 in cold cash. I think of rich as not having to worry about making more income. That is entirely personal, however, as I have spoken to lots of people that said if they had a million in the bank they would still have to work. I don't even want to know what kind of debt those people are in! I am also in the position where I used to think if I could just make the amount of money that I now make, I would be doing great. Well, since my husband has been laid off work twice, and now is in a commission only job that sometimes pays NOTHING, I no longer think that. I am striving to stay in the lower middle class region.

    As for judging people by how much money they make, hopefully few people do that anymore. I guess if you watch Joe Millionaire you'll see how at least one person reacts when finding out someone they thought was rich is actually poor (roflmao). I have friends who make more and who make less than I do, they are my friends based on their personality, not their bank accounts. That doesn't mean I don't accept handouts, though!!

  • sunshineToo

    It depends on how much expenses you have. If you earn $10,000 year and have expenses $1,000, then you are rich because you got $9,000 extra. But unfortunately $1,000 hardly pays a monthly rent of one bed room apartment.

  • RandomTask

    When it does come into play is when your government says, "you are rich, because we have arbitrarily chosen x amount as being rich and therefore we are going to take more money from you then we are your neighbor ho makes under x amount."

    What fives my government or any other human being for that matter the right to decide how much money it is OK for me to make?

  • sleepy

    Depends where you live too.

    In Britian there is a large difference in house prices according to the area.Where I live in Newport wales a 3 bedroom terrace houses costs around 70,000 about twenty miles away in Bristol England you would pay 170,000 , on the outskirts of London this would be around 250,000 Central London and you,re talking 500,000+ .

    So to have a good quality of life were I live costs far less than in london, of cource there are less things to see and do here, so you have to choose ease of life over a more exciting but probably stressful life.

    Were did all my pound signs go?Edited by - sleepy on 23 January 2003 14:10:40

    Edited by - sleepy on 23 January 2003 14:11:31

  • Ed

    I heard somewhere that in some countries a person who owns a bicycle or a radio is considered extremely wealthy. I've lost count of the number of bicycles & radios I've owned - I always remember that whenever I'm feeling hard done by.

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