Rx My First Hate Mail today. I think I upset sum1

by xjw_b12 27 Replies latest jw friends


    Ashitaka...um, I think we need some manifestation from the troll kingdom. What good one can you come up with?

    If anyone wants to trace an e-mail, I can give you some interesting info on how to read FULL HEADERS, and have fun with the offending persons ISP.

    I've done it, and it works!

  • joannadandy

    I wanna hate mail too!!!

    I would really like if it also came with a death threat... that way I can frame it and proudly display it on my wall.


    I'll get you my pretty...AND YOUR LITTLE DOG TOO!

    (will that suffice?)

  • SYN

    XJW_B12: Your sig kicks ass!

    If you don't want the hate mail, just forward it to me, I'll take care of them for you

    Don't let 'em phase ya...

  • xjw_b12

    I think Integ the hijacker has gone to bed.

    SP Rayzorblade & SYN. Thanks for the tips. My blocked list unfortunately is longer than my contact list ! LOL I am going to deal directly with the sender this morning, and see what happens.

    Big Tex, Stephanus and Goshawk. Yeah...I think the trolls are coming out from under their bridges, and counting SF time. Too cold to go door to door. I noticed from yesterday to today, over 100 more registered users.

    avishai and Meadow77. Very good posts. I am trying to figure these people out. Do they strike out as us like this, due to a lack of understanding of the pain and suffering so many have gone through. Or are they themselves, some of the abused, who have not come to grips with thier own feelings, perhaps living in a state of denial ?

    Anyways as I mentioned above, I will respond directly to the hatemail I received, and hope to share more with you shortly.

    " Millions Now Living Will Never Know "

  • ashitaka

    razor....here you go

  • LoneWolf

    Well ---- rats. I haven't gotten a single hate mail yet. 'Course Trauma Hound emailed me and told me I lost him when I called him Chuck and I cried purple koolaid for a week about that. But that's about the worst.

    But that surprises me too, because I've written some pretty blunt things on this board. I've even included my name, address, and telephone number, and there's been no takers. Oh, well, maybe they only go for the good looking ones.

    And now Integ tells us that he isn't going to post any more. Heck, I was about to write him an explanation and a very nice, serious, answer (seriously) and he cuts and runs. That's cowardly. That's not much different than the mentalities of the drive-by shooters. Do your bellering and then scram before someone answers. After all, they might prove you wrong.

    Oh, well ............. saves me the effort.


  • xjw_b12

    Just an update.

    I replied to the sender of the hate mail this morning.

    I was just going to ignore it, but the sender's insensitivity towards the child abuse scandals, demanded a response.

    I am awaiting a reply. Stay tuned.

    xjwb12 of " The Enduring Happiness class "

    " Millions Now Living Will Never Know "

  • outnfree


    Glad you updated us. I'll be staying tuned. And I wanted to say "Welcome to the Board," too!


    You spoke up beautifully. Thanks! So beautifully, maybe you should repost it as "TO ALL TROLLS" or some such.


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