OK, the Bible is a fascinating book of fairy tales, so we move on..E. Zolfagharifard, some guy states "Humans will be very different creatures in just 1000 years from now due to climate change,artificial intelligence and genetic mutations are all set to transform our bodies in drastic ways. A mixture of biology and machine on the inside. This is only 1000 years from now, what the hell will humans look like in 100000 years?????The big question, will JW's still be around and preaching the END is near????
What will humans look like in 1000000 years?
by James Mixon 32 Replies latest watchtower bible
James Mixon
sorry that figure should be A hundred thousand years, not one million. I would hate to think what humans would look like in a million years.LOL
We'll probably have evolved into distinct species - the Eloi and Morlocks.
More likely, the planet will be long since devoid of life.
We'll just be heads in jars, surrounded by Glangmores ...
James Mixon
Will the resurrected ones be Elois or Morlocks???? "The planet will be long since devoid of life", maybe Mars.....
Look at the monumental changes in religious movements in the past three or four centuries alone and project into the future. For example,modern-day "Christians" are as different from the early Christians as chalk is from cheese (despite the vain claims to have "returned to first century Christianity") and as different from Christianity of even last Century.
We are but tiny specks bobbing about on an infinite ocean of time. Even so, specks have a strong ego-driven tendency to assert they are bobbing about in calamitous times - like specks have repeatedly asserted across the millennia.
James Mixon
LoveUniHate: "heads in jars" thats no fun. No family reunion, no booze,no walking in he park just kill me....
James Mixon
steve2: I think Christianity will be long gone in a 100000 years...
My head jar will be filled up with gin.
Village Idiot
E. Zolfagharifard, some guy states "Humans will be very different creatures in just 1000 years from now due to climate change,artificial intelligence and genetic mutations are all set to transform our bodies in drastic ways.
A 100,000 years into the future is too long to make a meaningful explanation. A 1,000 years is doable.
Climate change would have disappeared by a 100,000 or even a thousand years from now. It only takes a few centuries for Carbon Dioxide to be stabilized by natural forces assuming no more of it is put out by the burning of fossil fuels.
A mixture of biology and machine on the inside. This is only 1000 years from now, what the hell will humans look like in 100000 years?????The big question, will JW's still be around and preaching the END is near????
We may become cyborgs, to one extent or another, a 1,000 years from now.
Medicines such as Deprenyl that exist now can extend our lives by as much as 50% as experiments with laboratory rats has shown. Calorie reduction has also extended the lives of experimental rats. You basically eat 2/3 of what you normally will eat with high potency multi-vitamins to keep you from getting malnutrition. Both of them combined might extend your lifespan even more.
In the near future we might actually figure out how to extend telomeres in our DNA with unknown improvements in our lifespan.
As for JWs and Christianity in general, they may both disappear if our world were to become a better place to live in. Religion, particularly JWs and fundamentalist Christianity, thrives on misery and a loathing of the ego. Happiness is the solution to both of them.