Update On My Grandson's Condition

by Guest 77 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • Guest 77
    Guest 77

    To lovesdub, imanaliento, Francois and Mary, I just want to update my grandson's condition, he is doing fine.

    Francois, my grandson is in the Montrel General, and I check out the info you suggested. The nurse is well aware of your concerns, and they are using imipenem.

    Mary, as to why he's going to stay with his grandparents? We have sleeping quarters at ground level which is better suited for his condition.

    I started to write a lenghty response but then my computer went out, so I had to rewrite the message but in short form. Anyways, thanks for your comments, concerns and interest.

    Guest 77

  • mouthy

    Guest ...I must have missed the thread about your grandson. I hope whatever is wrong is on the way to getting better.

  • Guest 77
    Guest 77

    Mouthy, this was posted on the 21st, under, 'Grandson Refuses Blood'. He's 19, he got injured last Saturday on the job, after two hours of waiting at the hospital and after examining him they sent him home and told him to return Monday. When he returned Monday for further examination, they found that he had a hole in his intestine and he had to go for surgery. As a witness, he refused blood. That's it in a nutshell.

    Guest 77

  • outnfree


    I just READ the thread about your grandson's condition. Francois is right to be gravely concerned. If, as your second son reported, the doctors have more concerns, does that mean he'll be staying in hospital for observation for a longer period of time?

    I know my mother had her surgeon glue her intestine to the incision site during ovarian laparoscopy causing an intestinal blockage and she nearly died from it! While I realize we're talking about a hole vs. a blockage here, I did learn that the intestine is VERY sensitive to the touch and is temporarily paralyzed from the contact. This means that motility -- the process whereby the surrounding muscles push the contents of the intestines away from the stomach towards the anus -- is impaired. Which seems to me (not a doctor) COULD mean that your grandson's intestinal contents could sit there, unable to be voided, and thus pose a danger of spreading infection from the waste products into whatever area the hole is in?

    As I said, I'm not a doctor, but please ask questions and make sure your grandson understands how dangerous this is.

    ((((((((((((((Guest77, Guest's wife and grandson and family)))))))))))))))))))


  • Guest 77
    Guest 77

    Outnfree, I appreciate people being concerned. One of my fields of occupation is being a steelworker. Were constantly faced with dangers because we walk on steel beams many floors above street level, and to us it is second nature. I have also worked as a safety foreman, there is always that chance of anything happening, however we don't think about it. In the case of my grandson, his work to involves heights. He's been doing this type of work for over a year now, but, you never know. Take for an example one of my older brothers, he got shot in the head, was stabbed 26 times and fell six floors off the Transportaion building in Boston and is still alive! He was headlined in the National Enquirer many years ago.

    My grandson is in intensive care and improving. They will not take any chances of moving him before his time, which is good. By the way, my oldest son is a paramedic. He studied in Pittsburgh and he practiced on the streets of Pittsburgh. My family is diversified, and as such, this witness situation doesn't alarm us, as we hardly talk about. We go about our daily lives in a normal fashion. Thanks for your concerns.

    Guest 77

  • imanaliento

    so glad to hear your grandson is improving! thanks for the update.

    Your brothers story sounds amazing, he could write a book.

    take care.

  • Guest 77
    Guest 77

    imanaliento, the article in the National Enquirer about my brother was, "The Man That Refuses To Die" or "Who refuses To Die", front page. It had to be about15 years ago.

    When I was a witness, my trade and business required that I be in association with bad company. It has been a great source of education and experience, as you get to see first hand corrupt practices and how to conduct yourself. Being a witness gave me an edge, believe it not. Yeah, my brother could write a book, he was also a professional boxer. As I said, my family is diversified, we come from a different school.

    Guest 77

  • Francois

    I'm happy to know they're on top of it G77. I looked up that drug and it seems to be very popular in France, so that's probably why they're using it up where he is.

    Keep on keepin' on, G77. I know you must feel better now.


  • Mulan

    So sorry to hear about this. I too missed the original thread. Keep us updated.

  • larc

    Guest, you have a great attitude on how to handle adversity. Everyone should read your words and try to apply your example. I agree with your perspective and try to apply it myself Although sometimes things do get to me, I usually can get my thinking straightned out. I think one key is to figure out what we can change and what is beyond our control, and then take life as it unfolds.

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