25 years
How long since your last memorial?
by NewYork44M 32 Replies latest jw friends
Esse quam videri
neat blue dog
21 1/2 hours.
I attended this year. I'm not a Witness but I write about them. So I attend some meeting or convention each year. My take on this one is that the Hispanic elder who gave the sermon did not understand basic Watchtower doctrine. This is not uncommon among Watchtower elders. The problem is poor education. The Watchtower's "Kingdom Ministry School" is inadequate, Nothing about Watchtower 'education' produces competent pastors.
Still Totally ADD
Seven years ago for my wife and I. Still Totally ADD
I can't remember if it's 3 or 4 years now.
On a side note the memorial talk outline is provided and is meant to be strictly adhered to with certain parts read verbatim. It's been that way for a while now so no excuse for going off-script that would be a no-no. Sadly, even having a good understanding of WT doctrine would not make these talks any more logical or the speaker any more competent.
Black Man
Last one I went to was 2009. And yes, I gave the talk!
Wow Black Man. Did you know when you gave the talk you would not be at the memorial the following year?
I last attended that wastefest in 2005. It wasn't worth the time I wasted. The following year, I bought a Ouija board on that date.
Brokeback Watchtower
17 years
34 years