Portions are way too big

by JH 30 Replies latest jw friends

  • LyinEyes

    Scarlet is so right about your stomach shrinking if you cut back on having large portions. I started a few weeks ago , cutting my portions down, and the other night after dancing for hours, we decided to stop and eat. Usually I can eat like a man when I exercise that much ,,,,,, but I noticed that for the last few times I go out to eat,,,,,,,,,,,, I end up talking more than half of my food home. My stomach was full on 1/4 of what I used to eat after dancing like that. It was not a comfortable feeling to try to eat a little more,,,,,, I had to put the rest away for later or it would have been painful . So I kind of like the idea that I can make 2 or 3 mini meals out of whatever I eat, by saving some for later. So many doctors tell you to eat 6 small meals a day. If I am not mistaken , I think that people that have the gastric by pass can only eat very tiny portions of food , or they will not hold it down, and that is how they lose the weight. But I wonder if they eat every few hours or so, and still keep the weight down?

    But I can tell you from just a couple of weeks of cutting portions way down, your stomach will shrink and you have to tell yourself that you are full,,,, and to stop, and not eat like you used to , I know I have been an emotional eater all my life,,,,,,, it just never matter before my 30's on the weight ever being an issue. Darn , I hate getting older. But I now have to find another way of comfort instead of food. I write in my journal and I have joined Scootergirls diet group, and it has helped alot, just to have their support.

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