The thing I love about America the most is...
Sexy American wimmin!!!
by dolphman 23 Replies latest jw friends
The thing I love about America the most is...
Sexy American wimmin!!!
...that I can stand in front of a) The White House, b) The Supreme Court, c) The Capitol Bldg. and speak my full mind and heart at the top of my lungs, and pass out printed copies of my condemnation of my government to all passers-by. I can call down fire and brimstone on the leader of my country in no uncertain terms. I could and did call Bill Clinton exactly what he was and still is: an amoral, unethical, semi-stupid, murderer, rapist and all 'round scum bag. And I can do all this without fear that I will one night soon thereafter hear the feared midnight knock on my door and hear the jackbooted feet of government police stomping through my front door, freshly broken in by a fire axe. (Unless of course Clinton had gotten my name and address.)
Friends, if you don't realize how rare is the phenomena I describe and how important, in the entire history of civilization, you haven't been paying attention, and didn't pay attention in eight grade civics. We are blessed in ways we can't comprehend. And the leftists, socialists, malcontents, the lost, the bored, the angry, the illiterate,and democrats in general want to take all this away and in its place establish the Marxist state. They know they can't just step out there and announce what they're doing, so they've engaged in what is known asFabianism (look it up, it might save your life), and have been creeping up on their goals for the last 40 years.
You have a list of things you love about America? If you really love them, you'll never vote democrat again. For ANY office whatsoever.
...that I can stand in front of a) The White House, b) The Supreme Court, c) The Capitol Bldg. and speak my full mind and heart at the top of my lungs, and pass out printed copies of my condemnation of my government to all passers-by. I can call down fire and brimstone on the leader of my country in no uncertain terms....And I can do all this without fear that I will one night soon thereafter hear the feared midnight knock on my door and hear the jackbooted feet of government police stomping through my front door, freshly broken in by a fire axe.
Francois took my answer!
i love america. its a great place to eat out.
I love america cuz it's the only place in the world were you can get a gun for just opening up a bank account...instead of the toaster.
honda prius driving folks here then America is much, much worse than I think it is....
Hey listen up, I am very proud to be an American and driving my Honda which I know without a doubt will get me where I need to go up to and probably past 200.000. Anyhoooo-what I like best about America is that we have plenty of diversity, and are allowed to share our opinions freely.
I love america cuz it's the only place in the world were you can get a gun for just opening up a bank account...instead of the toaster.
I love America because the rest of the world gets pissed off about the freedom we have here. Including freedom to own ANY guns I want to. Yes any. Not to rub salt in the wound......ok, exactly meant to rub salt in the wound.....We can even own submachine guns, [true] assault weapons, light machine guns, heavy machine guns, grenade launchers, and suppressors (silencers).
p.s. If a local bank gave guns to new accounts, I'd be in line first thing in the morning.
Edited by - bendrr on 24 January 2003 19:36:43
I won't get executed for leaving it. In other words, it's not like N.Korea..
But I guess if we're to believe the saddam lovers and communist/socialist and honda prius driving folks here then America is much, much worse than I think it is....
link doesn't work - what did that article have to say?
Sadaam LOVERS? Name one person who claims to be a Sadaam lover here.
yeah, there's lots of good things about America, but lots of bad things too.
Listening to right wingnuts tell me how un-american I am because I don't agree with them. Having the freedom to worship whatever god/goddess I choose only to be told in public that I'm going to Hell. Being called a left winger because I think our government cares very little about the rights of women, minorities, and the lower class. Being able to vote for president only to have it be made worthless by the opposing candidates friends in the supreme court. And last but not least, being able to at least try to bring about an actual positive change despite those who want to keep the status quo.
Our many freedoms and Dont forget about the great American Budweiser&Budlight