Where is the love that the SOCIETYclaims is amongst it's people?
I began studying January 2001. I had met a JW man that I truly fell in love with and found that I would at least look into the religion to see if it was for me. I began studying with his sister, till she consciously no longer felt that she could continue studying with me, due to the fact that she did not approve of her brother dating me, since I was not a JW.
I then immediately began studying 2 times per week with the circut overseer's wife. I attended all 5 meetings per week, having to attend two separate Kingdom Halls due to my schedule. Well the meeting attendance stayed strong until the Elders disapproved of my attending two separate Halls and requested that I only attend one Hall for all meetings. (I got the impression, that they could not keep their "eye" on my progress if I attended two different Halls...too confusing of a circumstance for the Elders to keep up with!) I never did attend the Hall which my boyfriend attended...I knew that would raise too many alarms! The Elders were fully aware that my boyfriend and I were seeing each other...they just were not aware how serious of a relationship we were building. Elders told my boyfriend to disassociate with me, until I was baptized.
I completed the Knowledge book in 6 months. Needless to say, the first 6 months were very lonely...as they expected me to disassociate with all of my "worldy" friends, but yet none of the JW's would have anything to do with me because they did not believe my intentions were for the right reason. Fortunately my boyfriend stuck by my side and remained my friend...as a matter of fact, my only friend.
My boyfriend and I were married shortly after I completed the Knowledge book. His entire JW family did attend the wedding...but they did not approve of our marriage.
Due to job transfer we moved to another city approx. 4 hours away...immediatley following wedding. I was anticipating the relocation and a new Hall. I was excited to know that since I had already "caught" and married the man I wanted....then people would realize once and for all that I was studying for the right reason after all.
After the relocation, I immediately began studying the United in Worship book, with a sister I met in the new Hall. My husband and I also attended all 5 meetings for approx. 15 months. During that time we kept searching for good association, only to be shunned. I was beginning to realize that I had been shunned from the very first day I stepped into a Kingdom Hall. I would deliver to their homes, freshly made pastries and baked goods to fellow JW's. I would visit and bring reading material to bed ridden JW's. But I was not receiving any acknowledgements in return. I was giving everything of myself...and not receiving anything but a cordial "hello", from fellow JW's after meetings.
I offered any association...even begging to ride in car groups. I was denied riding in car groups, every time. They always told me that I was not ready to go out into service. I knew that I was not ready for service...but just wanted to ride in the car for the association, as I was not getting it anywhere else. It was a new community we were living in, I had no "worldly" friends there, and I definately had no JW friends either.
Well, it has been 2 years now since I began studying. I still have not 1 JW associate, except for my husband. My husband grew up in the Truth (what he believes is the truth and what I believed was the truth...till recently) and he has seen the shunning treatment I have received. He is standing up for me to the Elders, as the Elders have began to come questioning why we are not attending meetings anymore.
So I ask the JW's who visit this site...(against the society's regulations)....WHERE IS THE LOVE YOUR GOVERNING BODY CLAIMS THAT YOU ALL HAVE?
I have seen no love...no encouragement...no uplifting...no NOTHING!
Yes, I am angered...angered over the fact that I was deceived by the Governing Body, Secret Slave, The Society, who reassured me by articles and publications and assemblies and talks at meetings, that I would be loved and accepted as one of Jehovah's people. Well, I was not loved or accepted by any of you, except by my husband.
My husband has been the most wonderful friend to me. I love him so dearly much. He is begining to wander away from the society...he is able to see what has happened to me and it has opened his eyes a little.