I have never heard of a nation that gave away more than us, lent a helping hand to so many others. We are a kind nation. However, that doesn't mean we sit back and do nothing.
Here is an example. You have a parent. As a parent, you have a responsibility to train your child. At times, the child very well need a scolding, a punishment. Maybe the child has done something so wrong they need a swat on the butt. It is a parents resonsibility, to help them out, to reward them, watch them, dicipline them when needed. This is done out of love for the child. I don't think anyone will disagree with that. It is out of love that we set them straight. If the child reaches over to the hot stove, who among us wouldn't run, dive, over to the stove, save them, and wack their hand away? Oh my God, we slapped their hand? Are we bad? NO, we did it for their own good.
In some cases, children don't have parents, or they have ones that are lacking in the skills needed. They may have problems of their own, so then it is up to others to step in, and be that role model. This may be a big brother or big sister plan, or maybe other relatives that can step in and help out, or in extreme cases it may even be the court systems to lay out guidlines for the child.
Sometimes there are nations such as Iraq, that have gotten out of hand. They need to be diciplined. There are right ways to do things, and wrong ways. Torturing and poisoning your own people, threatening to blow up other countries with weapons of mass destruction are not a productive way to get along. Someone needs to stand up to them and slap their hand, make them behave. There are many countries that want to do that, but are not capable. So the US has no choice but to make a stand.
The right path, is not always the most popular.