Weekly Food Bill Survey

by patio34 31 Replies latest jw friends

  • Ravyn

    My husband and I spend between $80-$100 a week on quality stuff, and that includes his lunches and breakfasts. We also have three cats and one large dog. The cats' food I make myself-less expensive then throwing out the stuff they refuse to eat. I buy kibble and make the wet stuff(once a day) out of baby food rice cereal and formula and baby food meat in jars and fish oil caps(that I take myself too). The dog has to have rice and fish too--she is japanese and her breed is prone to thyroid trouble since they came into this country. So put the pet expenses and stuff like laundry soap and sundries. And you can add another $100 a month to that. But I shop at Dollar stores alot for toilet paper and personal items. We spend $500 a month easy. I rarely buy canned veggies, mostly everything I get is for the freezer. I could probably save some money--but I try to eat better than junk food. And we do not usually buy sweets either.


  • truthseekers2

    I am a frugal maven, even teaching others my tricks of the trade. I spend about $60-80 per week for a family of 6. Occasionally I have a $120-130 week when I need to really stock up on staples {faint}, but I do really great most of the time! Hubby makes great money, so that leaves tons to have fun with.

  • patio34

    Hi Ravyn--I get tired just reading about all the stuff you prepare! My cat should be so lucky!

    Hi Truthseeker! You're a gal after my own heart. I try to be very frugal, cooking brown rice often and buying only the specials. That is, that's what I'm doing since my New Year's resolution and am trying to get my finances in better shape. But it's fun too, to shop the bargains and save $$, don't you think?


  • Ravyn

    so...how about sharing some tips truthseeker or pat or anyone else? do you have a weekly menu? I would love to make some changes in the meals and money! I try to be a good shopper, but I could use some new ideas! please! share!


  • DazedAndConfused

    I spend on the average of $185./wk. This includes cleaning supplies. There are just my husband and I living here at the moment, but we have 3 college students (2 daughters and a future son-in-law) that eat here also.

  • patio34

    Well, Ravyn, I'm quite a novice at it and it's simpler for me--living alone and all. So far, all I do is shop the specials (stocking up a bit) that are at two grocery stores nearby. Whatever is a really good price (loss leaders), I buy that and plan my menus around. I love brown rice, potatoes, and simple foods. I have oatmeal with blueberries almost every morning (I get the blueberries at a third store, better price). I did give up coffee and switched to tea--it's less trouble, cheaper, and you can drink it cold.

    I'm waiting to see if truthseeker has time to put any more of her tips and resources up. Great idea, Ravyn!


  • SYN

    In total, food for a month at my flat (there's 3 of us) works out a little less than $100 a month. That includes some sort of meat every night, desert, soft drinks, washing powder, detergents, loads of fruit, bread/milk every day, etc etc.

  • D8TA

    R$ 75 Reais a month which equal to $20.54 U.S. dollars (this doesn't include beer moolah).

  • wednesday

    do any have recepies that they would be like to share? Easy and perhaps inexpensive ones? Maybe a great crock pot one? I'm looking especially for those, i have been ill for some time, and we have had to eat out a lot. it has gotten very expensive.Any quick recepie will be great, does not have to be crock pot.


  • patio34

    Syn, do you have any great secrets for saving so much on food $$?

    Weds, here's a site I saw on TV that has a lot of links for saving $$ and recipes too:



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