Strange utterances of C T Russell

by refiners fire 19 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • refiners fire
    refiners fire

    For your edification, some of the more obscure opinions and offerings of our illustrious founder CT Russell.

    WT May 1883 . Article: THE INVISIBLE THINGS OF HIM


    QUOTE/..We are already beginning to live, to a goodly extent, in the invisible. We do not now refer to our thoughts of God and invisible things in the sense in which it is said by the Apostle--"Our conversation is in heaven"--nor to supposed intercourse with spirits, but to the fact that we are standing not only where the "ends of the world" (ages) meet and blend, but where two domains, the visible and the invisible, mingle. The door of the invisible stands ajar, and we peer into the domain of unseen things. Many of the affairs of thislife are now being conducted by means of invisible powers..


    QUOTE/The mysterious power of electricity which is supposed to pervade space, and is thought by some to be the secret principle of life, has lately been our newsboy, is now our speaking-trumpet, by which we hold a pleasant conversation with our friends a thousand miles away, and the aged and infirm may, at home, listen to the church services in a distant city. This same power now gives us almost the light of day in our streets and dwellings, and proposes to be general house servant and detective..There seems to be a striking coincidence between the words of Jesus in Matt. 24:27 and what has and is taking place at this time, when those who are looking for the fulfillment of his words discern that "the time is at hand." "For, as the lightning cometh out of the East and shineth even unto the West, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.".


    QUOTE/..While we would not be fanciful nor morbidly imaginative, we would not be too slow to mark the striking coincidence of events which seem to indicate the fulfillment of prophecy. Could any one who is most familiar with the railroads of the present day give, in so few words, so clear and vivid a description of locomotives and railroad carriages as is given in the second chapter of the prophecy of Nahum in these words? "The chariots shall be with flaming torches in the day of his preparation, and the fir-trees shall be terribly shaken. The chariots shall rage in the streets, they shall jostle one against another in the broadways: they shall seem like torches, they shall run like the lightnings." But, says one, that is a prophecy concerning Nineveh. Very true, but like most or all of the prophecies, it doubtless has a two-fold significance.See how they "rage in the streets"; notice how, at their "couplings," they "jostle one against another in the broad ways"; and how, in the night time, they "seem like torches," and the very same forceful, though exaggerating term, is used by the prophet to convey an idea of their speed: "They shall run like the lightnings." So the modern term has been applied to a fast train, "the lightning train."

    WT May, 1885. Article VIEW FROM THE TOWER.


    QUOTE/.Look again, but in another direction; Note the increase of special healing of diseases since 1874. Some are in answer to prayer, some in answer to anointing with oil and prayer, and some without prayer, or oil, or anything. Thus in various ways to-day, ye see increasingly that the lame walk, the deaf hear, the dumb speak, blind eyes are opened, and the Gospel (good tidings) of a "restitution for the groaning creation, of all things spoken by the mouth of all the holy prophets"We hear from Sweden, and Germany and Britain, in much the same strain, as from all over this land. Among the remarkable insurances coming under our notice recently, is that of a family in Louisville, Ky.,* in which four deaf and dumb persons were perfectly and instantly healed. One of them aged eleven years, had never spoken or heard from birth. The two small towns of Midway and Primrose, Pa., have during the past month been much excited by six remarkable cases of faith cure from various maladies. One old man, Hamilton Smith, Midway, Pa., had been so crippled by rheumatism that he could not stoop down; but was instantly healed, and to a reporter who called to inquire regarding his healing, demonstrated his suppleness by kicking higher than his own height, and the night he was cured he jumped over a fire board fence with ease. He declares that he is stronger than ever, and that he is becoming young again. And in fact this seems true. He is seventy-two years old but in a short time his white hair has commenced to resume its original color; the wrinkles are leaving his face, and his complexion becoming fresh so that he might pass now, for a man of fifty..

    WT March 1, 1901. VIEW FROM THE TOWER:


    STREAMS IN THE DESERT."--ISA. 35:6.This prophecy bids fair to have a literal as well as a spiritual fulfilment. Already the drilling of artesian wells has reclaimed thousands of acres of arid land in the "American Desert" of the West; but the cost was too great when many of the holes were dry. Now, on seemingly reliable authority, relief has come to Texas along that line. A boy of fourteen years is found to possess what is styled "X-ray sight," so that in the dark he can see beneath the surface of theground; just as the "X-ray" proved to science that certain rays of light can penetrate what we call solid substances; and just as Marconi, in connection with wireless telegraphy, has demonstrated that certain waves of ether pass through solid substances unhindered. This boy can see the subterranean creeks and rivers, and can designate just where the wells should be drilled to get the water so much needed on the surface. Whether this should be considered a lost sense of sight, lost through the fall, and which would return during the "times of restitution," or a special gift intended to help forward in the restitution, we are not yet prepared to give an opinion.

  • blondie

    Are you playing around with that website or are these gems from your bag of jewels, RF?


    And to imagine people believe this drivel!

  • refiners fire
    refiners fire


    Ive got all the old stuff in hard copy, in sequence, and Ive read it. Its all marked and catalogued under specific subjects. So I can reference, say, all Russells sayings on the matter of the "FDS" down the years. With access to a Website where the Russell stuff is located I can put a post together quickly.

    Thanks for the reference to the site!

  • Dia

    No wonder my JW friend likes to (almost secretly) read The National Enquirer!

  • Buster

    I wonder what critics outside Russel's new group of Bible Students were saying back then. I can just picture someone saying, "Bah, there've been crackpots crying out for the return of Christ ever since he left." - stuff like that.

    Notwithstanding the technology of the time, I have a sense that people of the late 19th century were every bit as cynical as we.

  • Gizmo

    I knew the guy was somewhat of a cuckoo, just didn't realise How FAR he actually flew over the Nest...till I read that. OVAY! Thanks RF

    What a major DORK!

  • DanTheMan

    He sure had a thing for trains, didn't he? LOL

    "Thou wilt lengthen out leviathan (the locomotive) with a hook (automatic coupler) or with a snare (coupling pin) which thou wilt cause his tongue (coupling-link) to drop down. Wilt thou not place a ring (piston) in his nostrils (cylinders) or pierce through his cheeks (Piston ends) with a staff (piston-rod)? Will he make repeated supplication unto thee, (to get off the track)? Or will he utter soft-tones unto thee (when he screeches; with the whistle)?" (The Finished Mystery, 1917, pp. 84, 85)

  • refiners fire
    refiners fire

    Dan and all....A lot of people have read about that "Leviathan" thing in the "Finished Mystery", but i thought it interesting to note that it was in the WT itself years earlier.Here are a couple more for your amusement .......

    WT MAY 1. 1903. Article: VIEW FROM THE TOWER


    QUOTE/."Jupiter must also transfer his allegiance from the grasping Saturn to the newly discovered factor that stands for universal brotherhood; namely, Uranus. When Uranus and Jupiter meet in the humane sign of Aquarius in 1914, the long-promised era will have made a fair start in the work of setting man free to work out his own salvation, and will insure the ultimate realization of dreams and ideals of all poets and sages in history.

    "Uranus is preparing the way for Neptune, who symbolizes Love in its very highest form--the fulfilling of the law. By this, we see that Socialism, or whatever the new order may be called, will not and can not be the rule of the common or ignorant masses, but the leadership of the very highest developed members of the human family.

    "In 1903 Jupiter will be in the Sign of Pisces-- sign of the feet, or understanding, and the synthesis of the new religion is Love;--Love, that words cannot define. We are nearing a condition where "masters" will be unknown--where humanity will instinctively conform to the injunction, 'Call no man master, neither be ye called master.'

    "Note--Uranus: Great commotions are expected when it shall take its ascendancy over Saturn."

    WT Sept 15. 1904. Article: VIEW FROM THE TOWER


    QUOTE/.Baltimore, Aug. 20.--Consternation reigns in the little town of Allen, in Southern Maryland, over the strange death of Walter H. Whitney, a pronounced atheist, but one of the most popular residents of the place. On Sunday night Whitney was conversing with some friends, when he suddenly exclaimed: "I defy the Almighty to strike me dead!" Instantly Whitney fell to the floor, and when those about him picked him up he was dead. Not long since we called attention to the case of a young man whose challenge that if there be a God he might be assured of it by being stricken deaf and dumb. He was stricken instantly and is reported to have recovered about a month later. The above is on the same line. The clipping was handed us during the Boston Convention, and we read it to the large audience as an illustration of divine judgments in execution, and the awe and obedience they would quickly inspire throughout the world

  • hooberus

    refiner, do you know the address of a site where all the old Watch Towers are? I've found some that only seem to have some of the old WT arcticles? Also where did you get your hard copies?


  • Robdar

    Wow, let me drop some acid and maybe this cat will start making sense to me.


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