a believer
I said I've been in the Truth my whole life
With respect, "truth" is not a tangible object that you can have or be in. Truth is simply the quality or state of being true.
JW's, like all religions, have taught things that are true and things that are false. In retrospect, some of those false teachings were extremely harmful and caused quite a lot of suffering.
This is the religion that taught for many years that the smallpox immunization was a form of bestiality(!) and therefore unacceptable to Christians. That stance was not officially reversed until the early 1950's This is the religion that taught that post-exposure vaccines, like the tetanus booster and serums, like the diphtheria anti-toxin violated biblical injunctions against eating blood. That stance was not fully reversed until the mid 1960's. This is the religion that taught that gamma globulin administered as a drip (Used in the treatment of neonatal immunological deficiency, Kawasaki's syndrome, idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura, etc.) was a form of blood transfusion and therefore forbidden to Christians. People died because of this --Infants and small children who had done no harm to anyone.
You can point out that human beings are fallible and they make mistakes and I would agree. You can point out that human beings sometimes have a hard time facing those mistakes and I would agree. You can point out that as a consequence, human beings sometimes show little or no remorse for their mistakes and I would agree. You can point out that human beings therefore have a tendency to make the same mistakes over and over and I would agree.
I trust you can see where I'm going with this though. The more we try to smooth things over through appeals to human frailties, the less appropriate the use of 19th century Millerite terms becomes. Why should not Jehovah's Witnesses extend the same courtesy to other religions that they expect to be extended to them?