OK who threw the stink bomb in here?

by Thisismein1972 27 Replies latest social humour

  • schnell

    @A Believer, it's perfectly understandable if you believe in God and the Bible and the JWs.

    You know those people at the door?

    Many of them believe in God, too. Many of them believe in the Bible. Many of them are firm in their beliefs.

    When God judges everyone, will he judge them on their beliefs? Will he judge them for using their brains which he gave them? What if they considered the evidence and came up with another conclusion?

  • alcyone

    A Believer, you are saying you have studied other religions in the past weeks and you reassured yourself you are in the truth.

    May I ask you to be more specific on how you conducted your research?

    You say for example you studied history of Christian church in the first centuries.

    How did you do it?

    Can you list books you read, perhaps webpages you examined, primary sources you went through etc.?

    Or you just used defendingjehovahswitness, the third witness and other JW apologetic sources to reaffirm your beliefs?

    Have you tried to read the Studies in Scriptures or some Rutherford books? Or EGW's 'The Great Controversy' to understand religious climate in 19th century?

    Have you picked some 'old truth' and tried to understand why it is wrong? Where the FDS did the mistake?

  • Fernando

    @A Believer

    I assume you have been a "publisher of the good news" for several decades.

    According to the good news, is a right and clean standing with God earned or imputed?

    If you are unsure, you may want to mark and read all the occurrences of the words "righteous" and "righteousness" in Paul's letters.

  • cofty
    The JW makes the most sense to me because of my understanding of the Bible.

    Like many ex-JWs you have put your most cherished beliefs off-limits. I made the same mistake and it took me 9 years to get around to examining the evidence regarding the bible.

    The important question is not about which religion is true. The real question is far more fundamental than that.

  • Fairlane

    A jw does not follow their own understanding of the bible. That task is conceded by jws to the governing body self appointed faithful and discreet slave , who reason by means of a parable that they alone must provide the non negotiable spiritual food,although this method seems to happen without inspiration! ??. To deviate from this format a jw must expect consequences even up to the point of disfellowshiping and shunning..how loving is that?

  • Diogenesister

    A Believer did you know a woman came up with the idea, and taught, that the "faithful and discreet slave" applied to a person ( now persons)??

    Did you you know that another woman came up with the religion from which Jehovahs Witnesses are descended? Without her teaching there would be no JW's.

    Now, they've decided women cannot teach...but they wouldn't exist in this form had they not.

  • TD

    a believer

    I said I've been in the Truth my whole life

    With respect, "truth" is not a tangible object that you can have or be in. Truth is simply the quality or state of being true.

    JW's, like all religions, have taught things that are true and things that are false. In retrospect, some of those false teachings were extremely harmful and caused quite a lot of suffering.

    This is the religion that taught for many years that the smallpox immunization was a form of bestiality(!) and therefore unacceptable to Christians. That stance was not officially reversed until the early 1950's This is the religion that taught that post-exposure vaccines, like the tetanus booster and serums, like the diphtheria anti-toxin violated biblical injunctions against eating blood. That stance was not fully reversed until the mid 1960's. This is the religion that taught that gamma globulin administered as a drip (Used in the treatment of neonatal immunological deficiency, Kawasaki's syndrome, idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura, etc.) was a form of blood transfusion and therefore forbidden to Christians. People died because of this --Infants and small children who had done no harm to anyone.

    You can point out that human beings are fallible and they make mistakes and I would agree. You can point out that human beings sometimes have a hard time facing those mistakes and I would agree. You can point out that as a consequence, human beings sometimes show little or no remorse for their mistakes and I would agree. You can point out that human beings therefore have a tendency to make the same mistakes over and over and I would agree.

    I trust you can see where I'm going with this though. The more we try to smooth things over through appeals to human frailties, the less appropriate the use of 19th century Millerite terms becomes. Why should not Jehovah's Witnesses extend the same courtesy to other religions that they expect to be extended to them?

  • _Morpheus

    Lolol oh believer..... you may not "be here" as much as you to be but the real truth is in you now. Havnt you ever wondered why the organization is so insistant that you not speak to apostates...? The org knows that once you have even considered the possiblity that every word they isnt true the game is up.

    Your already on your way out. Maybe it takes a few months maybe a few years but your already done.

  • schnell


    A Believer did you know a woman came up with the idea, and taught, that the "faithful and discreet slave" applied to a person ( now persons)??

    Did you you know that another woman came up with the religion from which Jehovahs Witnesses are descended? Without her teaching there would be no JW's.

    Now, they've decided women cannot teach...but they wouldn't exist in this form had they not.

    That's fascinating. Got a link or a name to look up, @Diogenesister?


    The president that was just elected and all the other signs make it convincing to me.

    You`re very observant..

    The next sign from Jehovah will be..

    Gum On Your Shoe..

    Image result for Gum on shoe

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